Maharaja’s Haveli, 8 kanals land at Mumbai leased out for meager amount

Avtar Bhat
JAMMU, Apr 15: The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has viewed seriously the leasing out of  Maharaja’s Haveli at Malabar Hill in Mumbai for Rs five lakh per annum in 1981 by the J&K Government. The Committee, which submitted its report in State Assembly during the recent Budget session was informed that the Maharaja Hari Singh, the last ruler of J&K who settled at Mumbai after the democratic rule was established in the State in 1947 used the Haveli as his residence. But later it was converted into a guest house by the State Government.
The property was intact till 1981 along with eight kanals of land surrounding it. But it was leased out on June 17, 1981 to M/S Sanghvi Construction Company Pvt Ltd (a non State subject) for a period of 90 years commencing from the first day of June 1991 by virtue of an agreement between the State Government and the company, the Joint Resident Commissioner Mumbai informed the PAC members during their visit to city last year.
He informed them that a supplementary agreement was also signed between the two on April 8, 2002 in respect of the said property. The Singhvi Construction Company has demolished the Haveli and constructed a multistoried building consisting of 12 duplex flats in 24 floors with a swimming pool adjacent to it. One duplex flat on second floor measuring 700 sq ft has been acquired by the State as a result of agreement reached between the State Government and the Company during 2002.
The PAC which is headed by PDP MLA Rafi Ahmed Mir as its chairman while expressing its anguish over the decision of the State Government for not seeking expertise in the property while dealing with executing agreement on such a meager amount thus rendering State to sustain recurring loss for decades together.
The Committee observed that the situation of the State in 1981 was not so bad which would have compelled the Government to reach such a poor agreement at throw away prices and putting the state for great recurring loss for decades together.
The Committee further recommended to seek the specialized legal expertise for revision and enhancing of the agreemented amount of Rs 5.00 lakh per annum to the floating market rates as per the value of the assets at such a prime / prominent place at Mumbai.
The PAC expressed its serious concern over the bad condition of guest house of J&K Government situated at Foreshore Road Mumbai. The guest house at such a prime place was in dilapidated condition and neglected by the Executing agency.
It sought the explanation from the Joint Resident Commissioner, Mumbai that why despite huge provisions for renovation repairs no attention was paid to the guest house. The PAC recommended that adequate funds be earmarked for the immediate renovation and repairs of the guest house Advent Building Mumbai and the renovation work be completed within targeted time and sufficient budgetary provisions be kept for maintenance of Government owned assets outside the State. It also directed the Department that Principal Secretary to Government Hospitality and Protocol Department to conduct on spot inspection of the State owned assets outside J&K at least once in six months.
The Committee while passing severe strictures against the Horticulture Department observed that negligent and casual approach of the higher authorities of the Department has rendered the Mumbai office defunct by keeping various posts vacant which badly affected the fruit growers of the State. It issued directives to the Department to fill up the vacant posts under the proper procedure and depute adequate staff to Horticulture Marketing Office Mumbai immediately.
The Committee while taking the Government to take observed that various offices of the State Government were created with progressive thought to function outside the State with the objective of boosting trade/ tourism/ marketing etc in their assigned areas but due to the sad State of affairs and negligence of Administrative Departments which kept the sanctioned staff vacant for years tighter their essence has vanished. It urged the Government to depute the sanctioned staff to the offices created outside the State.