Maintain Mantalai properties

This refers to the news pertaining to upkeep of Mantalai properties of Dhirender Brahmchari. A cursory look around the place arrests the attention of Dev Kund, helipad and other buildings.
Human heart bleeds to see the damage being caused to properties of late Dhirendra Brahmchari at Mantalai in the foot hills of Seoj Dhar near Sudh Mahadev. Begining with Yoga centre building, and its residential round house, in between  the Zoo inhabited by two or three Dares and Swimming Pond on the left side of the road looked all in shambles as if weeping and crying for help.The atmosphere and scenery around is quite attractive as if the God has painted the picturesque with his own holy hands.The deserted look of the mutistoreyed building at the rare end with a Goshala and several broken remains of trucks, load carriers, tractors other  vehicles including the broken helicopter reveal the apathetic attitude of the concerned authorities.
The  uncared and neglected property with a broken road reveals that there is no proper caretaker and planning to utilize the remaining property for the promotion of tourism.While looking at the buildings several ideas spring up in ones mind, why the Central University of Jammu could not be organized here or why at least a yoga centre could not function here or the whole area could be turned into Agricultural or Biological Laboratory.
Won’t it be out of place to suggest if on its rare side a big and modern hospital is opened  for  chest disease patients. The environment and conditions suit well and appropriate for such a institute. Chest Disease patients all over India, are being advised to visit the tourist spots of Himalayas, like Srinagar, Himachal, Dehradun etc. But the place of Mantalai is no less better than any other place of such nature.
It is requested to the Minister for Tourism Ghulam Ahmad to take interest in this project as it will turn out to be of greater heritage value.
Yours etc……
Anand Nagar
Bhori, Jammu