Schools sans lecturers

Our children is reading in 11th/12th are without Lecturers for the last more than 93 days and this happened for the first time in our State now UT of J and K. The Daily Excelsior dated Oct 4, 2019 had carried detailed news item on this issue but authorities have not redressed the matter even now.
In the more than 100 newly higher Secondary Schools students have been suffering w.e.f 1-4-2019 to till date and thus students of these newly uprgraded schools have been suffering for the last more than seven months. Students want that they must not remain in the class/School without Lecturers even for a single day.
During the current Academic Session Govt started re-hiring the already engaged Academic Lecturers. For the first time such candidates were rehired up to 30-6-2019 and thereafter w.e.f 10-7-2019 to 10-8-2019 and thus students were without Lecturers w.e.f 2-7-2019 to 9-7-2019.
It may be mentioned here that the Education Department promoted a good number of masters as lecturers in various disciplines during the last few months. Some of them have been adjusted in various schools, but most of them await orders for adjustment. The school authorities are requested to expedite the process in the interest of student community.
Vikas Malhotra