Major tragedy averted; IED detected, defused in North Kashmir

SRINAGAR : Security forces averted a major tragedy after they detected and defused an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) planted by militants on  roadside at Sopore in north Kashmir district of Baramulla.
Official sources said that a Road Opening Party (ROP) of security forces noticed an IED planted by militants on main road at Nathipora in Sopore on Monday.
The area was immediately sealed and traffic and pedestrian movement was suspended on the road as a precautionary measure. The Bomb Disposal Squad (BDS) was immediately summoned to the spot, they said, adding the IED was later defused without causing any damage.
Three soldiers were injured on May 28 in south Kashmir district of Shopian when militants triggered an IED at village Sugan followed by heavy firing when an Army vehicle was passing the area.
However, security forces were successfully able to defuse a second IED in the area. (AGENCIES)