Make change carefully

Tanu Manhas

“He who rejects change is the architect of decay.”-Harold Wilson

Change in oneself is the revamping of ones behaviour, altitude, thinking and daily habits in the right perspective for the welfare of society and the whole world. Change doesn’t come at once, it takes time from weeks to years. It must be brought by an individual keeping in view the prosperity of the people, in contact with him/her and the other living in a society.
“One must be the change he or she wants to see in the world”.
If we change ourself, we will change our whole world. Our change will have a great impact on others and automatically they will refashion themselves gradually with the passage of time. Changes can be positive as well as negative. Our positive change in ourselves will be a great step in the progress of the whole world. Although it takes time but efforts should be carried on without any halt. What is the reaction of the person when he talk with him/her with politeness and friendly attitude ? Obviously he too replies with a smile. On the other hand, our negative change will take us not only to a bad way but will also spoil others. If we speak rudely with someone, what would be his or her reaction? Clearly he will also speak with us in an arrogant manner.
“Those who can’t change their mind, can’t change anything.”
Changes should be made carefully and considering the whole world as people adopt negative changes faster than than positive ones. Until we change/make a transformation in ourselves, societal transformation is not feasible because we ourselves are a part of society. People living in a society are responsible. Society doesn’t transform until every person transforms himself from the core of his/her heart whether it is any field.
Change is the need of the hour. To make our society mirthful, changes are essential for the progress. Change is not a jerky process and it shouldn’t affect the sentiments of the people. One should modify himself/herself according to the circumstances around him/her. We always think of our society and finally country to be corruption free. We claim that corruption starts from rich people, politicians,big celebrities etc. but we fail to realise that the corruption actually start from us. Until we take a step against corruption, no body will stop himself from being corrupt.
Have we really stepped into 21st century claiming to have given a new dimension to the world? Have we entered the era of science and technology that is reported to have all doubts and skepticism by experimenting on almost every aspect of life? Are we the inhabitants of the world of knowledge explosion which is supposed to have unravelled almost all the secrets of nature and human life to the mankind? These questions are genuine when we see that the major position of our society ,even in the wake of 21st century is knee-deep into mud of baseless superstitions. Countless dogmas & superstitions have ensnared the social & private life of our society so inextricably that even after going a long way in the realm of the science & technology, our social step couldn’t get rid of this pestilence. Until we individually don’t take necessary steps for the change of this bad practice ,we can’t wish others to change .One is supposed to be the possessor of finer qualities like generosity, sympathy, love , compassion to bring a change in one self. It is the time to regenerate man’s humanity so that people can be saved of their own folly and utter against destruction. We need to educate ourselves against all these gimmicks & nefarious designs.
Many great leaders like Mahatma Gandhi and others brought revolution in the world by having faith in them. They tried their best to change the thinking of people. They changed themselves and developed a helpful and challenging nature to fulfill their mission by taking every step in time. They marked the beginning of revolution in the world which is still going on whether it is any field. In fact the world doesn’t change, it remains same but our perception of and our relationship to the world changes when we alter the way of looking at it
One person can change the world. One may or may not be able to do a lot physically to change the world but one has the power to inspire others. A person can change the world by setting an example for others that may effect outcome of any situation. One person can make a difference in someone else life. We can change the world by spreading light, teaching truth, being honourable and kind behaving with sincerity in all things showing compassion to all the people and always being just. We can exert an outward pressure of truth that has transformational effect on those around us, beginning with our family and then rippling out to all those we come in contact.
Whatever big we see in the world was started first as a small thing which later grew up into a big thing because of care and attention that was given to it. Before we build up a relationship or try to bring out any changes outside us, first thing we have to do is to have a proper understanding of ourselves. Observing ourself in close proximity will point our drawbacks as well as our strengths. When we work on our drawbacks and build up on our strength we start growing confidence on ourselves. When we gain confidence on our self, our words, walk, talk and behaviour etc.. all changes and gives a positive look. Now this positive look will have a significant impact on the world. They will start changing the whole relationship slowly, from better to the best and we shine like a diamond which shines brighter when polished. Our way of looking at things and situation or surroundings we are in also changes completely.
Hence it is rightly said that – “ you change and the world changes for you”.
In nutshell, it can be concluded that to bring a change in the world, one must change himself/herself with sincerity as it is a key for all things.We must be sincere with ourselves. We can’t change the world in one go. If we fullfill our mission by trying constantly to change the world, change would be incremently,may be profoundly. If we fail in our mission to change the world , the world will change us and for not the betterment.Thus until we make endeavours consistantly for changing ourselves for the betterment of others, nobody will make any effort to change himself. Change starts from us and ends on the whole world.
“The world as we have created, it is a process of our thinking. It can’t be changed without changing our thinking.”