Make festivals harmless

The dreaded and harmful firecrackers season has come again. We, the sensible and responsible citizens, should volunteer ourselves and pledge to make this charming and blessed season totally firecrackers free, noise free, smoke free, pollution free and further more incident free, gamble free, drugs and alcohol free. We should renounce the undesirable and unhealthy practices which are in no way an integral part of any festival, religion, religious ritual or ceremony. Instead, these practices are injurious not only to one or two individuals or families but society as a whole. These substances/practices generally bring misfortune, distress and chronic diseases. Infact, such practices are irreligious.
Let us be true and honest and ourselves in this context. We all are fully aware of the inexplicable pain and suffering that springs out modern era’s fashion of celebrations i.e by lavish show of money. Many times such type of celebrations create awful situations and cause disasters. The irreparable damage is done to the human life and property by the man himself. The man-made disasters of such nature could be and should be controlled and voluntarily stopped by boldly saying “No” to these terrible and hazardous objects and ill practices.
Swatantra Dev Kotwal