Make Jammu polythene free

Free use of polythene carry bags and heaps of polythene garbage here and there is mainly responsible for environmental pollution and choking of drains and streams in Jammu city. The polythene menace needs immediate attention and short and long term planning from the concerned authorities to make Jammu  polythene free.
Way back in 2010 the then Government banned the use of polythene carry bags in Jammu. As a fact of matter in the initial stage people had to face difficulties but later on they compromised and co-operated with the administration. At that time the ban seemed to be successful one. But only after few months it proved a  flop show and a big failure due to the lukeworm approach and the absence of regular checking by the administration for the reasons best known to the then authorities. This deliberate negligence by the authorities gave freedom to shopkeepers and rehriwalas to use polythene carry bags openly.
Now as per the press reports, the Govt, has again wokenup and intensified its drive against the use of polythene in Jammu city. To make this drive successful needs the will power determination and regular checking by the concerned authorities, otherwise it will also prove a futile exercise again.
Let us hope there is honest, sincere and  close co-operation between the administration and Jammuites to make Jammu polythene free.
Yours etc…
A K Razdan
Lale-Da- Bagh