Make Microbiology lab of SMGS Hospital functional

SMGS Hospital Jammu, presently is bereft of the utilities of the microbiological laboratory as the same is not functioning for the last 10 months. It may be recalled that a major fire broke out in the laboratory last year in April damaging the equipment and sundry fixtures and fittings , the effects of which are not reversed as yet . In other words, the laboratory could not be revived all these ten months resulting in the samples etc, even of emergency nature of the patients being sent to the main laboratory in GMC, Jammu. Due to obvious reasons, most of the time , patients as such do not get the reports on the samples in time. How our administrative system works and how red tape impedes the working can be seen by the total hotchpotch of the aftermaths of the fire incident that neither the police could inquire the causes of the fire nor the in-house committee constituted for the purpose submitting its findings. In other words,how much net loss of the equipment, fixtures, fittings etc was caused is not ascertained officially. Unless it all was done, ”technically” , it was not possible to proceed further and provide the requisite infrastructure to the laboratory which could be opened and started functioning, ”thanks ” to procedural delays. With conservative estimates, another more than six months would continue to be the same ad hoc arrangement which speaks very poor of the hospital administration. It is because of such factors and obsolete procedures , delivery of services and therefore coming up to the expectations of the people suffer.Could the administrationprove these six months period to be too much and have the laboratory opened in less than as many weeks instead?