Make mobility of Govt employees mandatory

I t looks ludicrous that Government employees ”working” in Revenue Department can manage to ”render their services” at the same place, usually their choicest, for many years and not go back to their parent district. Again, it seems that disregarding orders of the Government to relocate, repatriate and transfer the revenue officials, has become a routine and a legitimate practice. Decentralisation Act of 2010, therefore, stands vastly violated. Transfer of Government employees from one district to another is not allowed under the said Act but it is found that most of the employees of Revenue subordinate services have managed their transfer by whatever means and that is fairly known to the highest officials. This ”managing” is the bane and the contributor of corrupt practices and lavish corruption. While Deputy Commissioners were asked by the Government to furnish the details vide a list, of such Revenue employees who were working outside parent departments within a week ‘s time in order to be repatriated , most of them have not given such details which either is due to such employees having made themselves indispensable and floated the impression that after their transfer, the work was going to suffer or there could be just administrative helplessness in even not ensuring the Government orders were complied with. A typical case, just for illustration, is that of Kanispora in Baramulla where the concerned employee is reported to be working at the same place for years together despite spate of transfer orders issued. How can he manage to do this all, speaks poorly about the level of effective administration which calls for shedding its ”chalta Hai” syndrome. Mobility of employees should be frequent, assured and within a reasonable time even with no tradition that within two years one could not be transferred.