Man – animal conflict

This has reference to the Sunday Magazine article ‘Man-animal conflict in Pirpanjal Himalayas’ DE Feb 17, 2019.
Much concern has been expressed by common people, environmentalists and other concerned people over increasing incidents of man-wild conflicts, but it may be said with dismay that this phenomenon is not being taken seriously by the concerned authorities. As a result, situation worsens day by day in the State. In case the problem is not arrested right now, it will have serious consequences on our eco-system in the coming times.
The stake-holders have to wake upto this reality without further delay. The Forest Department and other concerned people have to chalk out a strategy to deal with this situation so that interests of both the animal and the wild are interested.
It seems that mankind has not yet realised the consequences of loss of biodiversity. Though efforts are being made to make man realise the importance of bio diversity, there is need to launch a vigorous campaign in this direction to avoid impending catastrophe and incidents like man-animal conflicts.
Pramod Sharma