Man arrested for taking loans on ‘fake’ bank accounts

NEW DELHI, Dec 8: A 32-year-old man was arrested for allegedly cheating bank by opening fake accounts and later getting away after taking credit card and loans, police said Saturday.

The accused was identified as Sanjeet Kumar, a resident of Vaishali district in Bihar.

On February 1, a bank filed a complaint that they noticed two companies had credited various denomination salaries from other bank accounts towards savings accounts opened with bank at various branches in Delhi, Chinmoy Biswal, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Southeast) said.

Later, their bank had extended multiple credit facilities like credit cards and loans to those respective account holders on the basis of their account transactions, he said.

During scrutiny of relevant account opening forms and documents, it was found that most of the documents provided by those customers were forged, the DCP added.

Bank officials also visited the addresses of both companies but no business operations were found at office premises. It was later found that the accused persons had cheated the bank of Rs 95.75 lakh, he said.

During investigation, it was found that some other fake accounts on the basis of forged documents were also opened in the bank, Biswal said.

The documents of those fake accounts were collected from bank and the CCTV footages of the ATM kiosk were examined, Biswal added.

After scanning the footages, a person was identified who used to deposit cash in those accounts of the companies and got the money transferred in other saving accounts. Later, he used to withdraw the money from ATM, the officer said.

On Tuesday, police got information and apprehended the accused from Madanpur Khadar.

During interrogation, Sanjeet disclosed that in 2016, he along with Bittu and Karan opened two fake companies Carso Global Telecom India and Ericsson Technologies and created fake employee list and prepared their forged IDs, he said.

To open fake accounts, they had taken three houses on rent at Badarpur and opened 35-40 fake saving bank accounts, he added.

Thereafter, they started transferring money in those accounts from the account of companies in the name of salary, the DCP said.

They continuously transferred money in those accounts every month as salary and applied for credit cards/loans under different schemes of bank, the DCP added.

When the bank official came for verification, Sanjeet used to show the photocopy of the identity proof and said that the account holder is out of town. They also received couriers of the credit cards by such way, he added.

They had also issued a swipe machine for the purpose of swiping the credit cards and withdrawing money from the bank account of companies, Biswal said.

Police are looking to apprehend his other two accused persons, the DCP said, adding that a laptop, colored printer, four ATM cards, one rubber stamp, two mobile phones and photocopies of several Identity proofs were recovered from their possession. (PTI)