Man slices arms with saws at US store

LOS ANGELES, Apr 11: A man in the US deliberately cut through his arms with saws at a hardware supply store, shocking employees and customers who watched the grisly scene.

The man calmly walked into the store on Azusa Avenue in Los Angeles area yesterday and grabbed the handsaws, the West Covina Police Department said.

“He just began sawing away,” Cpl Rudy Lopez told The Los Angeles Times. “He was pretty much intent on doing what he did.”

“The man cut both arms down to the bone as panicked people called 911 for help. The man was passing out as officers arrived,” police said.

An off-duty Pasadena paramedic was inside the store and helped the officers round up twine and rags, which they used to fashion tourniquets to stop the heavy flow of blood, Lopez said.

The man was taken to nearby hospital, where he was undergoing surgery. His condition was not immediately known. (PTI)