Management of Snails and Slugs in Jammu

R K Gupta, Arti Sharma
Slugs and snails belong to the Phylum Mollusca which are a large and diverse group of animals of worldwide distribution. The slugs and snails are much like some insects in their biology. Snails and slugs (Chakki or Phill in dogri) are common and serious problems in many gardens and landscapes. They feed on a variety of living plants and on decaying plant matter and cause damage to plant seeds, seedlings, underground tubers, leaves and fruits. Damage to seedlings often results in the death of the plant, which means major production losses. In some areas of Jammu region, exceeding population of snails and slugs is causing severe damage to vegetables and maize crop. The Division of Entomology, SKUAST Jammu is receiving continuous reports from many areas of Udhampur like Mongri, Pancheri, Chenani, Morh besides many areas of Rajouri, Poonch, Ramban and Badarwah.
Considering their outbreak a holistic module to manage these in some crops is being disseminated to general farmer. It is humbly advised that only need based management measures must be taken by field functionaries of Agricultural Department with judicious application of ecofriendly measures and if required than only chemical interventions may be adapted. This is because these creatures are already wiped off from many ecosystems and further chemical firing may deteriorate the environment especially the population of fireflies and glowworms (Jugnoo) which act as prey host for their breeding. These fireflies had already been drastically reduced from the outer plains and mid-hills of Jammu region. In rainy season abundant ground cover and vegetation provides ideal moisture levels and shelter for them. This is why they can be a problem on the edge of a crop with a weedy fence line. Good hygiene, weed control and removal of refuges can reduce the problem over time. Therefore, the first step is to eliminate, as much as possible, all places where they can hide during the day. Boards, stones, debris, weedy areas around tree trunks, leafy branches growing close to the ground, and dense ground covers, such as ivy, are ideal sheltering spots. Hand picking is most effective in the evening, about two hours after sunset, since slugs and snails are more active at night. Using a flashlight, check the base of plants, the back of leaves and between the rows in the herb or garden may be effective methods to collect the snails. Use a spoon to dislodge the pests, and then place them in a container of soapy water. An aluminum plate or any other shallow container partially filled with beer and buried to the rim will attract slugs and snails and also act as a trap. Slugs and snails that come to drink will fall into the beer and drown. For this method to be effective, the solution must be changed once or twice after a rain. Small strips of copper can be placed around flower pots or raised beds as obstructions for slugs to crawl over. Cut two inch strips of thin copper and wrap around the lower part of flower pots, like a ribbon. Or set the strips in the soil on edge, making a “fence” for the slugs to climb. Check to make sure no vegetation hangs over the copper which might provide a ‘bridge’ for the slugs. Despite advantages these methods are helpful for large agricultural fields. So we need to use molluscicide.
Metaldehyde pellets have been shown to attract slugs up to 1 meter away. The toxic effects of metaldehyde seem to be primarily due to dehydration as metaldehyde elicits excessive mucus production (mucus is 98 percent water and 2 per cent mucoproteins.) Thus in dry weather, metaldehyde is more effective. In wet weather, slugs sometimes can absorb enough moisture to compensate for the water lost in mucus production and therefore recover from the effects of metaldehyde. However, if slugs consume too much metaldehyde, they do not recover. The farmer can sprinkle small quantity of snailkill pellets (about 50-80 g per 100 sq. ft. area) near crawling path, near plant base, between the rows of crop plants or any other place where the snails and slugs are a nuisance. The product is available from many companies in India. All precautions must be taken to avoid toxicity to kids, animals and wildlife.