Management training program for IFS officers conducted at SMVDU

Excelsior Correspondent

KATRA, Jan 19: The School of Business, SMVD University, organized a National Training Program (in virtual mode) on ‘Embedding Positivity Workplace’ for Indian Forest Service Officers with the financial support from Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Government of India.
IFS officers from different parts of the country including Karnataka, Kerala, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Orissa, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Assam, Maharashtra, Andaman and Nicobar etc. participated in this grand training program. The training program’s pedagogy consists of lecture method, case discussion and analysis, role plays and alike.
During the inaugural function, Vice-Chancellor of SMVDU, Prof Ravindra K Sinha, who was chief guest on the occasion, highlighted how compliance with laws of nature is necessary for survival of human race. He enlightened regarding the various challenges faced by forests officers regarding conservation of forests and environment. He stated that without positivity, conservation of resources is not possible.
Dr Jyoti Sharma, Program Coordinator, highlighted the contagious role of attitude and its relevance for defining success in one’s life and on colleagues and other people around. Dr Sharma accentuated that the present training aims to facilitate the officers to equip themselves with the various constituencies of positive attitude which may act as a catalyst in embedding positivity at workplace.
Dr Saurabh, Head, School of Business, opined that current unprecedented dynamics has forced the individuals to think in different and innovative way. He mentioned that it has highlighted one important fact that individuals race has unlimited capabilities and abilities to win over any challenges.
Dr Suparn Kr Sharma, Dean, Faculty of Management, emphasised that learning and experience of present era explicates that development has to be with human face.
Prof Ashok Sharma, Dean, Faculty of Sciences, highlighted the present experience how the role of Forests officers assumes more importance in conservation of forests and consequently environment.
Prof V K Bhat, Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, emphasized the preservation and conservation of forests for human sustenance.
Dr Ashutosh, Associate Professor and Member, Organizing Committee, offered a formal vote of thanks.