Kashmir’s decisive mandate against gun & boycott politics

K B Jandial
One the curious paradoxes of Kashmir is the vacillating responses of its people who are capable of rebuffing the leaders whose writ they invariably follow, for whatever reasons. At times, they give unpredictable response to near identical situations at different point of time, sometimes even reversal of the earlier one. This baffles not only the political commentators and analysts outside Jammu & Kashmir but also within the state. By such U-turns the people’humiliate’ the leaders who claim to have complete sway over them, some of them are considered to be their diehard supporters. The leaders to their credit seldom concede their ‘defeat’ or disheartened at huge loss of face at the hands of their people. On the contrary theycome out with one explanation or the other, bashing India and Govt. agencies. They woulddraw some consolation from minor impact of their diktats.
The loyalty or support of the people can hardly be taken for granted. Old timers often recall the famous anecdote of late Bakshi Ghulam Mohd who reportedly explained to the central leaders about the ‘loyalty’ of people of Kashmir to different leaders having completely diverse ideology. “32 lakh mere saath hain, 32 lakh Sheikh sahib ke saath hain aur 32 lakh he Sadiq sahib ke saath hain” This enigmatic public reaction, admitted by many Kashmiris but in private, is not new to be seen. Some even quote almost similar scenes in 1975. They had observed shut down on the call of Bhutto on 23rd February but three days later they lined up the national highway to accord unprecedented tumultuous welcome to their most popular leader of Kashmir- Sheikh Abdullah on his first visit to the valley after being sworn-in as the Chief Minister under  Indira- Sheikh accord.

District-wise Assembly Poll % of Kashmir valley
District    2014 elections   2008 elections    2002 elections
Bandipora    74.37    59.66    47.28
Kupwara    71.48    68.22    53.15
Badgam    73.00    62.41    46.00
Gandarbal    66.92    55.10    42.35
Anantnag    61.00    63.20    22.18
Kulgam    59.53    64.45    26.92
Baramulla    57.00    47.88    37.57
Shopian    50.00    50.65    27.56
Pulwama    42.45    46.09    21.89
Srinagar    28.00    21.67    05.06
The current assembly elections have unfolded this type of people’s response many times in the Valley. On the visit of the PM Narinder Modi to Srinagar on 7th December for campaigning for BJP candidates, the Valley observed hartal on the call of Geelani, but on the very next day (8th December) the same people defied him and thronged the polling booths in hordes to cast votes in the third phase despite strong boycott calls. They even snubbed Pakistan by polling over 79 % votes in Uri which went to poll just after two days of fidayeen attack on an army camp to instill fear in the minds of voters against participating in Indian electoral process.
Kashmir has mystified everybody with people’s massive participation in the elections. Overlooking the “boycott calls”, Kashmir has humbled the most respected and veteran separatists’ leaderslike Syed Ali Shah Geelani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, Yasin Malik and some others. Above all, they have also embarrassed Pakistan which has always used them for their domestic politics and taking revenge for India for creating Bangladesh. Their faith in Indian democracy has been growing which is evident from the huge increase in poll percentage in all ten districts of Valley (see table). Since 2002 elections, the polling percentage in all districts almost doubled. This year, only Srinagar( 28%) and Pulwama( 42.45%) recorded less than 50 % polling but it needs to be compared with 2002 polling percentage ( 5.06 & 21.89 respectively). Of 47 constituencies of Kashmir, only 13 constituencies recorded less than 50 % polling, with lowest 21 % in Habakadal segment. It is among Srinagar’s seven segments that polled less than 30 % votes.  Geelani’s Sopore polling jumped from 8.09 % in 2002 to 30 % this year. Isn’t it enough evidence of people distancing from him and his boycott politics?
Kashmir witnessed incidents of voters standing up against terrorists’ action  on the eve of polling that confirm their sustained faith in democracy, anti-India and anti- elections campaign of separatists notwithstanding. These failed to dampen the spirits of the voters of Kashmir who came with vengeance to cast votes. There are many tell-telling incidents that reveal people’s commitment to democracy and yearning for good governance through better representatives.  These incidents are eye opener for all especially Geelani, Mirwaiz and his likes besides Pakistan and international fora with loud and clear message.
On Ist December, militants shot at Sheeraz Ahmad Bhat, PDP Sarpanch of village Sugan in Wachi of Shopian district critically injuring him. Obviously it was to scare away potential voters. Reaching SKIMS  in time, he was saved. While still convalescing in the Institute after surgery, he kept his date with polling back in village. With the help of two workers, he came from the hospital not only to cast his vote but also to motivate his people to vote with tremendous impact. The polling station recorded 566 votes despite militants attack. Bullets could not stop ballots. Will it happen anywhere in India?
In another ghastly incident in Shopian, militants gunned down NC Sarpanch of village Nazeenpora Mohd Sultan Bhat on 30th November.  But on the polling day on 14th December, his  minor son, Sahil showing unprecedented courage came to the polling station and insisted on casting his father’s vote to tell the killers that the family was not cowed down by the  killing. Sahil said that the family would continue for work for the party for which his father had laid down his life. However, the authorities did not allow him to vote for his martyred father. But it moved his village folks. His widowed mother and other family members cast votes even during mourning along with 80 other voters. It can happen only in Kashmir.
Such types of incidents should force Syed Ali Shah Geelani and his likes to revisit the politics of boycott and shut-downs that has ruined the economy of Kashmir. Democracy is a silent revolution and people express their views through secret ballot.
One of the reasons of open defiance is the growing maturity of the people who had seen worst time thinking the period of trial and tribulation doesn’t seem to have ended, thanks to these Pakistan, militants and separatists leaders. The horrifying experience of the past have imbibed in them unique survival instinct that keeps them alive even against the grave risks.
Another probable reason is the awareness that has been created among the people especially the youth by the media especially all-pervading electronic media over the years. Every day, they see on their TV screen the vibrant democracy, freedom and signs of plenty of opportunities and signs of prosperity. It generates in them un-surmountable urge to taste it also. The frequently over used illogical calls also confuse the people besides their wrecking the commercial business.
Some Kashmir observers, however, opined  that lot of water has flowed down the river vitasta since Bakshi’s time and now, Kashmir is making  irreversible U-turn to tread a new path considered best in its interest. Increased participation in Lok Sabha and Assembly elections since 2002 indicates a consistent trend even though it is difficult to predict anything. But one thing is sure that the people are keen to script a bright tomorrow that is full of peace, hope, dignity and all round prosperity under a new political dispensation that takes over the reins of Government shortly. Delhi should also not mess -up this opportunity and respect people’s mandate by  giving  full support to the new dispensation in J&K, rising above party politics.