Manmohan to take up Chinese incursion issue with Li

NEW DELHI:  With Chinese Premier Li Kiqiang arriving here tomorrow on the first stop of his maiden overseas tour after assuming charge, the two countries are all set to to make a new beginning in their ties temporarily soured by last month’s incursion of PLA troops deep inside the Indian territory in Ladakh region.
However, the incursion issue would be taken up when Mr Li holds talks with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh here, though the two countries have said the incident would not be allowed to cloud their relationship.
Tomorrow, Mr Li will have a restricted meeting with Dr Singh, and in the evening, the latter will hold a dinner in his honour. The delegation-level talks will be held day after tomorrow when some agreements are expected to be signed.
Replying to a question here, Secretary East Asia Gautam Bambawale said that the two leaders would talk about the recent Chinese incursion.
The stand-off following the incursion on the border was resolved just a few days before External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid’s visit to Beijing that took place earlier this month to prepare the groundwork for Mr Li’s visit.
On whether India’s relations with Vietnam and Taiwan, would also figure in the discussions between the two leaders, Mr Bambawale said,” when two Prime Ministers meet, every subject under the sun can be discussed.”
He refused to share the details of the border defence agreement proposed by China, saying the subject was being discussed, so it was not possible to comment on a work that was in progress.
During Mr Li’s visit, the issue of access of Pharma and IT industries to Chinese market, and India’s adverse balance of trade would be raised.
However, Mr Bambawale said there has been some success by the Tata Consultancy in penetrating their market, and Mr Li has made it a point to visit the It firm’s premises when he goes to Mumbai on the second and final leg of his India tour. (AGENCIES)