Manohar assails Govt for its casual approach

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Jan 1: Senior Congress leader Manohar Lal Sharma has assailed the present BJP- PDP Government for its casual approach towards the burning public issues.
During extensive visit to various villages of Billawar constituency including Ramkote, Makwal, Galak, Thenthu, Barota , Seri Mooni, Parnala, Dadwara, Phinter, Durung, Dungara and also Kandi areas of Sallan, Parngoli and Pajoke Chak, the people projected their burning issues. The Ex-MLA was shocked to observe the casual approach of the Government to wards public issues like, electricity, water, ration, condition of roads roads etc. The people expressed strong resentment against Dr Nirmal Singh (DyCM) representing this constituency.
A delegation of contractors apprised the Ex-MLA about their hardships due to non- payment of their long pending bills for more than one and half year. Daily wagers of PHE, Irrigation, Flood Control, Fisheries, Forest also alleged that they were without salaries for more than one year.