Mantras for Happy Life

O P Sharma
Name of book: How To Live A Peaceful Life
Author: I D Soni
Year 2024
Pages 206

The 209-page book entitled: “How To Live A Peaceful Life” in English by a renowned 96-year educationist and social activist has taken a philosophical viewpoint and spiritual approach for living a peaceful and productive life by a comman man. He has built a unique bridge between spirituality and materialism. It delves deeply into exploring the spiritual significance of human existence to uncover the true essence of what gives the life its true meanings. In this work, the author provides a vivid and comprehensive explanation for how one can lead a life grounded in spiritual growth, despite the pull of materialism and consumerism so prevalent in the modern society.
This book was released by Lt Governor Manoj Singh on March 15, 2024 and expressed a word of praise for the author for sharng his experiences and tips for happy and healthy life.
The spiritual teachings act as a guiding light, offering a pathway to liberate oneself from mental stress, agony and the relentless pursuit of material acquisitions, ignoring the basic humanism and moral values. The core premise centers on cultivating a state of inner tranquility, contentment and holistic wellbeing.
Experienced View-point
ID Soni , an illustrious Son of the Soil belongs to Bhadhu in Kathua district, being an intellectual and an examplary teacher, has written many books but now has once again brought out the present masterpiece: ‘How To Live A Peaceful Life’ which describes various mantras for leading a simple, non-materialistic life. Padam Shree Jatendra Udhampuri has written the “Foreword” and eulogised the qualities of head and heart of the author I D Soni and qualtiy of his writings.
This book is divided into 25 chapters; each dealing with different aspects which would lead to a peaceful and productive life. It involves seeking a higher state of being, an elevated consciousness that transcends the ordinary. The central idea of this book is the pursuit of inner peace, serenity, and harmony with oneself and the Supreme..
Supreme Purpose
Mr Soni, who is actively associated with the ” Home for Aged & Infirm” also known as ” Vrid Ashram’’ in Jammu, in this book gives a sense of spiritual purpose as also goes beyond material wealth. It tells about a path of self-discovery, enabling individuals to explore their innermost selves, thoughts, emotions, and potentials through practices like meditation, prayers, or contemplation. A core tenet of this book is the idea of interconnectedness. Many spiritual traditions offer ethical and moral guidelines for leading a virtuous, compassionate life, promoting values such as love, forgiveness, and respect for all beings.
This book deals with various mantras some of which would interest readers are: Forgiveness is often considered a virtue and a practice that lies at the heart of many spiritual traditions. It is seen as a means of liberating oneself from the burdens of resentment, anger and negative emotions that can weigh heavily on the soul. Developing the habit of forgiveness requires conscious effort and cultivation. It involves letting go of grudges and grievances, even in the face of hurt or wrongdoing. It is an act of compassion, not only towards others but also towards oneself. The practice of forgiveness is often intertwined with concepts of love, empathy, and understanding. By cultivating the ability to forgive, individuals are encouraged to develop a deeper sense of compassion and to recognize the inherent humanity and imperfections in all beings.
Ego is often seen as the source of many human afflictions such as greed, pride, jealousy and attachment in spiritual traditions. It is considered the false or limited sense of self that is preoccupied with desires, fears, and an illusory separation from the greater whole. Dethroning or transcending the ego is viewed as a crucial step in spiritual growth and self-realization. It involves recognizing the ego’s tendencies towards self-centeredness, possessiveness, and identification with transient phenomena, and learning to let go of these limiting patterns.
Inner peace is often described as a state of profound tranquility, calmness and serenity within the depths of one’s being. It is a sense of harmony and equilibrium that transcends external circumstances and the fluctuations of the mind and emotions. Cultivating inner peace is aptly described in this book by way of spiritual practices such as meditation, prayer, contemplation, and mindfulness. These practices help to still the restless mind, release tensions and worries, and create a spaciousness within which one can experience the innate peace that lies at the core of one’s being. Inner peace is also closely tied to the development of qualities such as acceptance of facts of life; compassion, and a sense of interconnectedness with all life. In this book, author has beautifully stated that inner peace is not a static state but rather a dynamic quality that can be cultivated and deepened over time.
Moral values represent the guiding beliefs and principles that allow us to differentiate ethical behaviour from unethical actions. Mr Soni, in this book, deals with some core moral values that tend to be universally embraced across numerous high cultures values.
The book is finely printed and a good product worth reading by one and all. It is worth reading with profit and pleasure.