Massive enthusiasm witnessed among voters in Sunderbani-Kalakote segment

A first time voter Shivani being felicitated at Pink Polling Station at Akhnoor. Another pic on Page 11. —Excelsior/Rakesh
A first time voter Shivani being felicitated at Pink Polling Station at Akhnoor. Another pic on Page 11. —Excelsior/Rakesh

Pink Polling Stations wore ‘festive look’, attract public
Gopal Sharma

JAMMU, Apr 26: Massive enthusiasm among the voters, specially among the women electorates was witnessed in Sunderbani-Kalakote assembly segment of Jammu-Reasi Parliamentary constituency on the second phase of polling today while Pink Polling stations across the Constituency remained source of attraction for the general public due to their ‘festive look’.

Majority of the voters of Sunderbani, Kalakote and Taryath areas stated that they voted for peace and development. They revealed that they wanted development at large scale in their area, including good roads, healthcare facilities, good quality of drinking water, uninterrupted power supply, good education facilities, totally wiping out of militancy and peace along LoC and interior areas.

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Since morning long queues were witnessed in many Polling Stations in Kalakote and Sunderbani areas, indicating high level of enthusiasm among the voters as they were going to exercise their democratic right. Women were also found full of enthusiasm and many of them were even the first time voters. Clad in colourful and apparently in their best dresses, they formed long queues at the Polling Stations and at many stations they out numbered the men counterparts.
A woman voter- Bimla Devi at Chaniprat Polling Station in this segment said that she has come to vote for peace and development. She said there are many issues like good road connectivity, electricity and water supply in their area. It is hoped that these issues will be resolved by the Government.
Another voter, Bishan Dass at Kalakote said that casting vote was his democratic right and he accomplished his responsibility as a citizen. “I have voted for peace in our area, because when there is peace, there will be better development. The militancy should come to an end in Pir Panchal region. There has been lot of improvement, but it has not been rooted out,” Dass narrated.
Naseem Akhtar in Taryath area said that she voted for the first time and she was feeling very happy to exercise her democratic right. She said since morning she was full of enthusiasm and got ready hurriedly for the Polling Station and arrived here with her family members. Akhtar said she has voted for good development, good governance and for a change.
Surinder Singh, after casting his vote in Sunderbani Polling Station said he performed his responsibility by casting his vote. Singh said he along with his five other family members casted their vote. Singh said there was long queues and it took about one and half hour to him to cast his vote. Replying to a question, he said earlier also they were with Jammu Parliamentary Constituency and now again they are with Jammu, but connecting areas of Nowshera, Poonch and Rajouri with Anantnag was very unfair.
Another voter, Ramesh Kumar in Kalideh area near LoC in Sunderbani said that though their area by and large is peaceful after Modi Government but few incidents of militancy and supplying of drugs from across, are the issues which are needed to be curved. He said there is peace along the LoC in their area for the past several areas. ” We want total peace and better development in our border belt. Road condition is also not good. Many schools in the area are under staff. Much attention is needed to be given to this LoC belt of Sunderbani,” he narrated.
Meanwhile, a good ratio of women voters was witnessed in this segment as out of the total 96976, 67295 were polled and among them 33475 were women and 33719 men. The overall percentage in the segment remained 69.39 pc.
Interestingly, out of the total 2416 Polling Stations established today in Jammu-Parliamentary Constituency, 46 were the Pink Polling Stations, which remained main source of attraction for the people. Being managed by women staff and decorated with pink clothes, buntings and balloons, these Polling Stations wore a `festive look’. Even majority of the staff was also found dressed in `pink’.
At one of the Pink Polling Stations established in the premises of Govt Higher Secondary School, Akhnoor, a first time voter, Shivani was greeted with balloons and rose flower by the polling and security staff. She expressed her happiness over the casting of her vote and said it was a unique experience for her and she was feeling proud to be a responsible citizen today.