Massive operation against infiltrating group

Fayaz Bukhari
SRINAGAR, Apr 27: Army launched a massive search operation in North Kashmir’s Kupwara forests near the Line of Control (LoC) against an infiltrating group of militants while Northern Army Chief Lt General D Anbu reviewed the security situation in Kashmir today.
Army launched massive searches near the LoC at Kainthawali Jumagund in Kupwara sector against a group of at least 5-6 militants who managed to sneak in previous night and were spotted last evening by army troops of 16 Madras Regiment deployed along the LoC.
Army noticed movement of a militant group inside Indian territory at around 7:30 p.m. last evening. The militant group was challenged leading to a fierce gun battle. More troops were rushed to the spot and entire area has been cordoned off.
The Army’s 16 Madras is conducting searches in the area against the group while 59 GR, 4 Para commandos sealed all the entry points of the area and laid ambushes so that the group is denied exit from the area.
The fog, bad weather, dense foliage and terrain is hampering the operation against the group. However, army is trying its best to nail the infiltrators.
Sources said that this was the fourth militant group that managed to sneak into Kashmir this year. Earlier, three groups of militants infiltrated into Kashmir. Sources say one of the groups has managed to reach South Kashmir while another is trapped in North Kashmir forests while five members of third one were eliminated and one was arrested. The arrested militant was identified as Zabiullah, son of Sannaullah Saqib, a resident of Multan in Pakistan.
Army says that around 250 militants are waiting on the launch pads in Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK) for infiltration. They say that the troops are alert to foil their attempts.
In the meantime, the Northern Army Commander Lt General D Anbu visited Kashmir valley to review prevailing security situation.
Accompanied by the Chinar Corps Commander Lt Gen AK Bhatt, the Army Commander visited formation headquarters and was briefed by the commanders on ground as regards the operational preparedness.
The Army Commander was appreciative of the measures and Standard Operating Procedures instituted by the units and formations to meet the challenges posed by the inimical elements.
Commending the performance of the troops in the recent successful operations, the Army Commander stressed the need to maintain the extra vigil to defeat the evil designs of hostile forces and assured his full support to further strengthen the security posture. He also lauded the excellent synergy amongst all the security forces.