Master’s path to end sufferings

Arun Jandial
Nobody wants to suffer.Everyone wants happiness. Whatever efforts a person makes is to seek happiness. In short, happiness is the goal for every individual. He takes many routes to achieve happiness. A poor person thinks he will become happy if he has enough money.An unemployed thinks he will attain happiness on getting a job. A rich person thinks he will become more happy by being more rich. Those who are childless feel that by getting offsprings they’ll be happy. A sick person thinks he will be happy by being healthy. Those who are famous,celebrities having name,fame,influence , power may be they are not happy.To others who don’t have these things they may appear to be happy but appearances are often deceptive. A poor person may be happy and a rich unhappy. Similarly powerful persons may not be as happy as those who are not powerful,may think.
Actually happiness is a state of mind . We seek happiness outside, in sensual pleasures , in the fulfilment of our wishes. The problem with the wishes is that they are never fulfilled. When one of them is fulfilled, the other raises its head and the vicious cycle of wishes goes on . All this happens because of the fact that we are searching for happiness at wrong places . External things may give comforts,name,fame but not happiness.
It is said birth is suffering,death is suffering ,old age is suffering , sickness is suffering,coming in contact with undesirable is suffering,separation from dear ones is suffering. We all take birth,become old,fall ill,come in contact with undesirable,get separated from desirable and one day pass away howsoever rich,powerful we may be. Suffering rises right from birth.Masters say this cycle of birth and death is responsible for suffering.To come out of this we shall have to understand why do we take birth.Masters attribute it to Samskaras. Whatever impressions we generate on our heart because of our thoughts and actions and whatever Samskaras arise at the time of death, we take that form. Hence these Samskaras are the cause of our sufferings. In order to be free from sufferings we shall have to rid ourselves of these Samskaras.
Masters tell whatever affects mind has its effect on the body also. In fear the heart beats fastly,the body perspires,and the face becomes pale.In joyous state the body-language is different , face is glowing,there is sense of well being. Now all this happens because of the biochemical and electromagnetic reactions in the body.They produce various sensations.If one learns to see these sensations produced in the body neutrally,one becomes a seer.For this one has to become a neutral observer, a witness to the mind-body phenomenon,without reacting.One has to personally experience the impermanence of all sensations, pleasent or unpleasant,and strengthen the equanimity and let wisdom bloom. This is by freeing ourselves from conditioning of behaving in a particular fashion in the given circumstances like being happy in praise and unhappy when someone criticises.
Similarly we are judgemental and hold the view that a person is good or bad.These are our prejudices.We have liking for the good and aversion for the bad.In fact as it has been said nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so.We don’t know things in totality.We know only a part of the whole and make our judgements.Our judgements are limited . No man is totally good or bad . A person whom we label good may have bad elements in him which we don’t know and a bad one may have good qualities which have not been revealed to us. Prejudices hinder in accepting persons as they are,create differences,repulsive attitude,false thoughts,deprive us from the feeling of being one with all as we all have come from the same source and will reach the same source.These differences have been created because of our ignorance.
Masters have taken birth in all ages to show path to mankind.They through their lives teach us how to live a balanced life ,how to remain equanimous under all conditions howsoever adverse they may be. The life of Prahlad ,Dhruv tell us that how patiently they faced all difficulties because of their being connected to the God Almighty,the source of all knowledge and bliss. Worldly things give temporary pleasures whereas one attains lasting peace and happiness in the company of God,the source of eternal peace and happiness.
We shall have to seek inspiration and guidance from the lives of Masters,have faith in their teachings,to think over them,to apply them in our daily lives and practically experience the benefit.
As the prescriptions of a very efficient doctor of the past or the case histories of a very efficient lawyer can neither cure disease or win cases for us similarly there is need for a living Guru who practises these teachings and is an embodiment of divinity radiating peace and happiness and can transform those who have faith in him,are obedient to him by following his teachings which is the real service to the Guru,who is our friend ,philosopher and Guide and has realised the truth/self and the God and is competent to guide others.
Since God is infinite , none can know God fully . He is beyond mind and intellect.Masters depending upon their degree of realization and training and experience has laid emphasis on one or the other form of Sadhana and aspects of Divinity which may confuse a beginner but all talk of the same power and all teach righteousness, good conduct,right meditation ,obedience,surrender, oneness of humanity,love , purity of mind,freedom from desires,detachment , dedication – which is the essence of the teachings of all Masters and in following them lies our happiness . The root cause of unhappiness is desire and in meeting God all the desires are fulfilled . We can’t gain happiness by pursuing our desires or following our mind but there are the Masters who can show us the path of real happiness by performing our duties in a detached manner wholeheartedly and experience the divine light lying dormant in our hearts because of complexities, impurities, grossness,darkness of our Samskaras and ignorance.