Mata Kheer Bhawani Tikkar

Ramesh Padroo
Tikkar village is situated at a distance of 90km from Srinagar and Mata Kheer Bhawani Tikkar is situated at a distance of just 1.5 km from Kupwara and it just takes 1:45 hrs. to reach this place through every kind of fast transport available. Village Tikkar was used as base Camp by Sharda pilgrims who used to visit Sharda Mata (Now in Muzaffarabad in POK)  Mata Kheer Bhawani Temple. It falls on the right side of Kupwara Chowkibal road and is spread over 355 kanals of land donated by Kashmir Pandit Village Tikkar with large numbers and various kinds of popular trees, Kikar, Chinar, Nut,  Apple, Cheery and Deodar trees adding to the beauty of Mata Kheer Bhawani Asthapan Temple.
The temple  dedicated to Goddess  Kheer Bhawani (Ragnya Bagwati) is constructed over a sacred spring. Every year on Zestha Asthami Mela, thousands of pilgrims of all walks of life come and offer their prayers with devotion to get their wishes fulfilled by Mata Ragnya Bagwati. The worship of Mata Kheer Bhawani is universal among Hindus of Kashmir. The term Kheer refers to rice pudding that is offered to the spring to propitiate the Goddess which becomes part of the name of the temple. As is the custom with the Hindu deities, she has many names Maharagya Devi, Ragnya Devi, Rajni, Ragnya Bhagwati.
Sacred Spring
A unique septogonal spring dedicated to Goddess Kheer Bhawani flows with cosmic powers where Mata is omnipotent and omnipresent and blessing the devotees. The holy spring is known to change it colours with various hues of red, pink, orange, green, blue, white etc. A black shade of the water is believed to be inauspicious.
The devotees often chant this mantra in the morning prayers – “Namastee Sharda Devi Kashmir Purvasini Twaham Prartheye Nitam vidya Daanam Che De Hi Me”  meaning ” I owe my full gratitude to the great Goddess Sharda who lives in Kashmir. I request you to fill my mind with utmost power of concentration and studies”
Sharda Temple
A  Sharda Temple has been constructed at a hill top in the form of Shila (stone) covering the Amrit. It is believed that Sharda Bagwati came to Kashmir along with left over Amrit during Sumandar Manthan between Devtas and Demon and had a brief stay or rest at Manzgam, Tulmulla  and  in Tikkar and after that Mata Sharda took over the Amrit in a Kailash to its final destination at Sharda village (now in POK) in the form of Shilla (stone). There is a staircase from Mata Kheer Bhawani temple to Sharda temple of 100 steps.
Shree Bairv Nath Temple and Ganesh Temple
These two temples were constructed after migration by some devotees whose wishes were fulfilled by Mata Ragnya Bhagwati.
Ashrams of Great Saints
In addition to Kheer Bhawani Temple and Sharda Temple there exist Dharamshalas, Kutyyas, Ashrams, Hawan Kund and langers. The infrastructure was developed by the great  saints who attained Sidhi and spirituality in the Tikkar Asthapan Complex.
* Swami Lal Ji Maharaj of Chaitanya Akhara used to visit Sharda, Lolab Valley and Tikkar area of North Kashmir. He accepted Swami Nand lal Ji Maharaj as his one of the disciples. Swami Lal Ji attained Nirvana in 1949.
* Yograj Swami Nand Lal Ji Maharaj carried forward the duties assigned to him by his paramguru at Village Tikkar by constructing Nand Bhawan, Langers & Kutyya where he was performing his religious& spiritual work for betterment of mankind. Swami Ji attained the Nirvana in the year 1968. An upstairs comprising of 100 steps connects Mata Ragna Bagwati and Nand Bhawan to Swami Nand Lal Ji’s Kutyya and Langer at the hilltop on the other side.
* Swami Kralbab Ji Maharaj who was among the dearest disciples of Swammi Nand Lal Ji Maharaj carried forward the spiritual work and other development works along with performing of Yagni and hawans of his Satgurus at village Tikkar. The Kutyya of Swami Kral Bab Ji Maharaj was also constructed at the hill top near Sharda Temple. After the mass exodus of Kashmiri Pandits from Valley in 1989, Swami Kral Bab Ji Maharaj constructed two new Ashrams at Garhi Udhampur and Bantlab and Jammu and carried forward the religious and spiritual work for betterment of mankind other disciples of Swami Nand Lal Ji, Swami Mast Ram Ji, Swami Vibashan Ji Maharaj, Swami Saidbbab and Swami Baitooth Ji also carried forward the teachings of their paramgurus.
* Swami Baitooth Ji used to stay at Tikkar and created all the infrastructure existing at Kheer Bhawani Asthapan by personally taking supervision of development works along with Swami Kral Bab Ji Maharaj, Tikkar Bardhari and other devotees of guru darbar and Asthapan. Swami Baitooth Ji attained nirvana in the year 1982.
* After nirvana of Swami Kral Bab Ji Maharaj in the year 1990, his disciplies Swami Kumar Ji looks after the Ashram at Ghari & Bantlab and is carrying forward all the programmes of spirituality and religious teachings of his param gurus in the society.
A fabricated 40 Bed Hall has been constructed for the welfare of Yatris who visit the Shrine daily or on Zetha Asthami.
A hawan and Bhandara is being organized by the Kashmiri Pandits of Tikkar with the help of other devotees of Asthapan for the last 3 yrs. on Zestha Asthami so that yatris who throng the shrine may feel happy and comfortable.