Mathura Refinery rededicates for environmental management

Excelsior Correspondent

Executive Director of Mathura Refinery, M R Padia signing MoU with Director Indian Oil (Refineries) at New Delhi.

NEW DELHI, Oct 13: Mathura Refinery, which is unique confluence of nature and industry, has set higher targets of effective environmental management.
Executive Director of Refinery, M K Padia while referring to the priorities said that he has signed a Memorandum of Understanding recently with Director, Refineries Indian Oil, Raj Kumar Ghosh. With this, the Mathura Refinery which is best among the Public Sector Oil Refineries in terms of emission discharge will further improve as a part of its drive to maintain environmental management leadership.
Mr Padia pointed out that at Mathura Refinery, technology and ecology go hand in hand with product quality upgradation, energy conservation and environment protection. The refinery has set a benchmark for coexistence of nature with industry. It has successfully implemented new technologies but environment remains the top priority.
Refinery has been located in sensitive Taj Trapezium zone and therefore, utmost care is taken to control air pollution through various measures such as natural gas and low sulphur liquid fuel in furnace, de-sulphurization of refinery fuel gasses prior to burning in furnace, provision of low Nox burners in new units to control emissions of  oxides of nitrogen, installation of  Sulphur recovery units with more than 99.5% efficiency with TGTU while ensuring one unit as stand by, flare gas recovery system to prevent loss of hydrocarbons. It maintains sulphur dioxide emission lower than present. All measures  to control water and air pollution have been taken and extensive tree plantation has been done around the refinery. And this is ongoing process, he maintained.