Mattoo resigns as advisor to Mehbooba

Amitabh Mattoo, advisor to Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti, on Wednesday resigned from his post citing personal reasons.

“There is no political or administrative reason for my decision to step down.

“I have resigned due to personal reasons as I seriously feel I need more time to devote to academics. Politics has never been my career or ambition.

“I also genuinely believe I can serve the people of my country and state better by continuing my academic journey. Kindly don’t try to attribute any political motive to my decision,” he said.

There was no official word if the Chief Minister had accepted Mattoo’s resignation.

Mattoo was appointed as advisor by Mehbooba Mufti with the status of cabinet minister in April this year.

He also served her father, the late Mufti Muhammad Sayeed, till his death in January this year. He drew Re.1 as token salary as advisor.

A former Vice Chancellor of Jammu University, Mattoo is also a member of many national and international bodies of academics.