Mayor’s anti-corruption campaign reaches SKUAST, Railway Station, Narwal Mandi

Mayor Jammu, Rajinder Sharma with students of SKUAST, Jammu during anti corruption campaign on Tuesday.
Mayor Jammu, Rajinder Sharma with students of SKUAST, Jammu during anti corruption campaign on Tuesday.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 26: Moving ahead with the anti-corruption campaign under the name ‘Jan Jagaran Abhiyan’ started by Mayor Jammu, Rajinder Sharma with slogan ‘Imandar Jammu, Shandar Jammu’ programmes were organized at SKUAST-Jammu campus near here, today.
On this occasion the Mayor while addressing the gathering of about 400 students stressed upon continuous efforts to eliminate political corruption from the country making a start from home.
He enlightened the students and staff of the Varsity saying “We should not fall prey to caste-system while electing a candidate as public representative and we should always prefer an educated candidate, upright in character and having knowhow about administrative matters in upcoming elections”.
The students of the Varsity pledged to do honest efforts to correct the wrongs prevailing in the system and establish an upright and honest system by following the three mantras propounded by the Mayor.
They also said that they will organize discussions in their class rooms, home, at work place and other places regarding the same so that more and more people get educated in this regard on ways to eradicate corruption and correct the wrongs in the system.
Dean Students Affairs, B.S Sharma and Bharat Bhushan were also present on the occasion.
After this the campaign team reached fruit market Narwal and met Narwal Fruit Mandi Traders Association and enlightened the office bearers of the Association regarding menace of corruption and ways and means to eradicate political corruption from the system.
The Narwal Fruit Mandi is one such place in J&K where almost all type of people of the Union Territory visit including buyers and sellers of fruits and most of them were also made aware about evils of corruption.
“We have no medicine or some magic wand to eradicate corruption from the country but the three commitments on this which have been discussed here are expected to bear fruits for which we should all make honest efforts,” Mayor maintained.
On this occasion president Fruit Mandi Narwal, Parveen Kumar and Chairman, Neeraj Anand were also present.
Similarly, programmes were held at a park in Ward Number 8 where the JMC Councillor, Dr. Akshay Sharma was also present and joined the function.
The Mayor administered anti-corruption oath to the people there and they all assured full-fledged support to the noble initiative.
In evening the Mayor organized similar programmes at Jammu Railway Station where auto-rickshaw operators, councillors Pappu Chowdhary and Anil Kumar were also present.