Media ‘Modi-fied’: Journalists jostle to take sefies with PM

NEW DELHI :  Armed with their hi-tech mobiles, scores of journalists today jostled and outsmarted each other to get their selfies clicked with Prime Minister Narendra Modi at 24 Akbar Road, BJP Headquarters.
This was for the second time in his tenure as Prime Minister that Mr Modi has reached out to media through ‘Diwali Milan’ programme.
Selfie session continued for a long time as Mr Modi waded through the media persons with his security staff facing a tough time to keep him under cover of human chain.  Mr Modi generously obliged journalists to click their photos, naturally for a precious facebook profile update.
Many a journalists were seen instantly updating their ‘selfie with PM’ on their pages, while others were busy tweeting the click.
A day after he broke the ice with Congress president Sonia Gandhi and former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, whom he invited to talk about Goods and Services Tax implementation and getting the crucial support for the key legislations, Mr Modi took to the fourth pillar of democracy.  (UNI)