This is the second time that we are touching on the medical woes of people in Mendhar region. The story of the Sub-District Hospital Mendhar is sordid and yet the authorities are not beating their eyelid. More than seventy per cent of sanctioned posts of Assistant Surgeons, Dental Surgeons, Community Health Officer, Health Education Officers etc, are lying vacant for a long time. Absence of an Assistant Surgeon and Gynecologist has brought havoc to the patients who have to travel scores of miles to arrive at Poonch district Hospital for treatment. Many deaths have taken place for want of timely medical aid. The worst condition is of expectant mothers who have not the services of a Gynecologist available to them.
Is this criminal neglect on the part of the medical authorities just because Mendhar is a far-flung border area and nobody would listen to the woes of the people even if they raise their voice? If that is the thinking, it is very unfortunate. Mendhar is a very strategic area on the border with PoK. The people of the area are already suffering great travail owing to incessant and unprovoked firing by the enemy troops on the other side of the LoC. By denying them medical facility, the Government is only adding to their woes. This can have very adverse effect. We would urge the authorities of the Department of Health to rise above considerations of fear and favour and order posting of necessary staff to the sub-district hospital in Mendhar. The MLA of the constituency has been reputedly asking the authorities to respond to urgent medical needs of the people.