Medicinal plants

This refers to the Sunday Magazine article ‘J&K a power- house of medicinal and aromatic plants’ DE Sept 30, 2018.
The author deserves kudos for writing an article on a subject which has attracted almost no attention from the Government and other stake-holders.
The first threat to the power-house came from ruthless cutting of forests in both the regions of the State-Jammu and Kashmir. The forests received a great setback during initial period of militancy in the State. The jungle-mafia made hay while Government machinery was fighting militancy and in restoring law and order in the State.
The second setback to this powerhouse came from allophatic drugs, the use of which is rising day by day among the people. As a result, Unani and allopathic medicine system were relegated to the background.
At times, it has been observed that Ayurvedic and Unani practitioners would prescribe allopathic drugs to patients. Due to fall in market demand. The people associated with this industry shifted to some other revenue generating jobs.
Though Government has started a number of schemes to give a fresh lease of life to the traditional system of medicines, it will take pretty long time to revive them.
But it should be our basic duty to take care of this plant wealth for our posterity.
Vikram Mahajan