Medicinal Plants Institute

Atharva Veda, one of the four ancient works of our country, is perhaps the earliest extant treatise on medical science. By strange coincidence, it is also the first attempt of research into the role of mind and spirit in promoting human health. According to Atharva Veda, three essentials govern the life system and these are kaf, vata and pith. Atharva Veda is also the first written document that elaborately speaks of a large variety of wild grown herbs and plants, which carry medicinal property, and are used, for curing various diseases. Ayurveda science is derived from Atharva Veda, and it literally means not cure but science of life and its longevity. With the passage of time, Ayurveda developed various theories of medicine and emphasized upon medical practitioners to identify plants and herbs that carried medicinal properties, and ancient physicians used them for curing patients.
Jammu has been one of the well-known centres of Ayurveda in Northern India. A large number of celebrities in indigenous medicine are the pride of Jammu. Since a large part of Jammu region is mountainous and falls within the tropical climate, vegetation growth in the forests of Jammu has been profuse. Hence, we have the tradition of obtaining medically rich herbs from different forests in the State. However, when allopathic medical practice superseded homeopathy for various reasons, the herbal science fell into disuse. This was a great loss to our advancement in homeopathic medicine. However, after freedom, attention was once again focused on homeopathic branch of medical practice and with that, Ayurveda institutes were established at numerous places in the country including the State of Jammu and Kashmir. Inception of these institutes pre-supposes use and research in herbal science. We know that medicinal herbs are also used in allopathic treatment. As such, the importance of herbs and plants with medical value is self-explanatory. In the light of this background, the UPA Government had proposed setting up of first National Institute of Medicinal Plants (NIMP) in J&K State. A sum of 100 crore rupees was earmarked by the Union Ministry of Health for this project and the site was selected in Bhaderwah falling in Doda District of Jammu region. The State Government approved the proposal, and selected two places in Bhaderwah Tehsil comprising a hundred kanals of land for the inception of prestigious National Institute of Medicinal Plants. Central teams of the Health Ministry also visited the sites and approved them from soil and climatic point of view.
However, notwithstanding completion of all preliminaries, no action forward is visible at the State and Central level to bring the project to its logical conclusion. The State Government has written to the Union Ministry of Health that the land in Bhaderwah stands allotted to the contemplated National Institute of Medicinal Plants (NIMP) and with that release of funds be expedited. Two years have passed by when the Government had   announced the project. However, on the ground, the matter stands relegated to cold store because there is no serious intention at the State and central level to continue the project.  Apathy of the Central government is unfortunate because it was the Union Ministry of Health, which had mooted the idea.
We entreat the government to initiate steps of getting grants released from the Union Ministry of Health and start work on the construction of the National Institute of Medicinal Plants, which will be the first of its kind in the country. The project will generate employment as well as investment and thus the economy of the backward region of Bhaderwah will receive a boost.