Mediclaim for pensioners

The Special Secretary to Governments, Finance Department,  through his office notice No. DIP/JK-12084 Dated 27-10-2011, had directed the State Government Pensioners to send their option for taking the Proposed Medical Insurance Policy. As per the notice, the pensions  had furnished the requisite informations to the Finance Department thinking and hoping that the State Government now will certainly accept their pending demand for the implementation fo the Mediclaim Insurance Policy at the earliest.
But, an unlooked thing has happened. The State Government instead of giving its approval to the Proposed Medical Insurance Policy in favour of its pensioners, has agreed to implement it, vide Finance Department’s Circular No. DIPK-4433, dated 09-07-2013, only for the benefit of its Gazetted Employees leaving behind the non-gazetted  employees and all pensioners in a State of utter confusion  and helplessness. Hence, this circular pertaining to the implementation of te Mediclaim Insurance Policy, only in favour of the Gazetted Employees, is totally wrong and highly objectionable.
The Minister should always remember that a large number of pensioners is economically weak having no other source of income. Many of the pensioners are suffering from multiple diseases. They need surgical operations but for want of money they cannot afford to undergo the most expensive medical treatments. As the prices of all the essential commodities have gone up and are still increasing day by day, anybody can imagine the difficulties that come in the way of old, invalid and helpless pensioners in managing  big amounts, if they suddenly get a stroke.
And under such unfavourable circumstances they have no alternative but to take a loan from some ruthless money lender and that too on an interest of 20%, or they have to mortgage their movable or immovable property. It is said that only the wearer knows, where the shoe pinches. As it is never too late to mend, I appeal to the Finance Minister of the State, on behalf of the pensioners, that he should give his approval to the Proposed Medical Insurance Policy to be implemented as early and possible in the interest of the State Government pensioners.
Yours etc….
Jagdeep Singh
Rehari Colony, Jammu