Medico body demands action against people misusing social media

Excelsior Correspondent
Srinagar, Apr 17: Medico body, Doctors Association Kashmir (DAK) today demanded stringent action against miscreants misusing social media in the name of freedom of expression.
The President of the Association, Dr Suhail Naik said that for the last few days some social miscreants have used the social media tool to defame doctors due to some personal animosity and to gain cheap publicity, “which has, in turn, compromised the security of the doctors,” he said.
“Recently a paediatrician was defamed by one of the patients’ attendant and had posted his contact number on his social media handle which compromised the security of that doctor as he received lot of threats by public after that incident,” he said.
In another incident, he said, a multipara pregnant lady had precipitated delivery “which too was blamed on the doctors by again using the social media platform,” he said.
Though in a democratic setup, Dr Naik said, one has the freedom to express but this “freedom of expression” is not ‘absolute.’
“It comes with a responsibility, there are proper forums for lodging complaints if someone is having an issue but can’t defame a person and try to run a parallel judiciary and law enforcement department using social media handles,” he said.
DAK had demanded strict action against such “anti-social” elements of the society.