Meet Chihira Aico

She is beautiful. She can sing and can even do motions with her hands. Here Name is ChihiraAico. No, we are not introducing you with new pop star in town.
Meet ChihiraAico the female android robot made by Toshiba. This female robot is designed to make conversation and entertain. Toshiba claims ‘she’ has the most realistic expressions of any android (another name for human like robot).
This female Robot can be happy sad and irritated and can even cry according to situation. In future the robot like this might replace your maid.This robotic hostess named ChihiraAico is designed to make conversation, sing and could one day play classical music or look after people.
Toshiba said that, aim is to create ‘ a realistic human-like facial expression with warm communication ’ with ChihiraAico.
‘Her’ near flawless smooth and silent body movements are created using 43 complex systems (that are pneumatic actuators) in which 24 are in its shoulders, arms and hands and 15 in the face and rest elsewhere. This type of technology is needed to show the emotions, as she can reportedly be happy, irritated or sad – and even can cry.
ChihiraAico is the latest entrant into Toshiba’s ‘human smart community’ – this is a group of android robots designed to lead to smarter living. In the future, the company envisions that such robots could take care of the elderly, work as nurses or waitresses.
This can lead to situation where Human jobs might be at stake.
ChihiraAico is not the only android that could replace humans.
Stunning life-like robots are becoming very popular in Japan, where creators are launching robots in different avatars like actresses, full-size mechanical copies of celebrities for their fans, and clones of the long dead people missed by their families.
There is even talk that these naturalistic, she-robots may be taken as your life partners in the not-too-distant future.
But more people will be able to enjoy the company and musical skills of such hostesses, only if Toshiba’s realistic ChihiraAico robot, is released at world level. We in India would be very Happy if the robot is able to do house cleaning and can do utensil work.
While the current model relies on a hidden camera and a human operator to control it, a fully independent version is expected in 10 years using artificial intelligence, face and voice recognition.
Nevertheless this robot shows that Our future is going to be unique and our jobs might be at risk. Make sure your resume is upto date.