Mehbooba directs pacing up development works, augmenting drinking water, health facilities

Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti taking stock of people’s grievances at Anantnag on Saturday.
Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti taking stock of people’s grievances at Anantnag on Saturday.

Excelsior Correspondent
ANANTNAG, Nov 11: Continuing with her public outreach programme, Chief Minister, Mehbooba Mufti today conducted a grievance redressal camp here today during which she listened to scores of deputations and hundreds of people who apprised her of their developmental needs and sought their redressal.
Minister for Revenue, Relief & Rehabilitation, Abdul Rehman Veeri; Minister of State for Hajj & Auqaf, Syed Farooq Andrabi; several legislators of the district and former Deputy Speaker, Legislative Assembly, Muhammad Sartaj Madni were also present on the occasion.
Several deputations from Verinag and Kokernag demanded establishment of playfields at Larnoo, Khreti and Bahai and setting up of an ITI in the area.
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A deputation from Breng demanded construction of an office complex, adequate funding for the local water supply scheme besides putting Margan Top and other spots on the tourist map and developing the Hill Park there and bringing Kachwan-Matigawaran areas on the cellular connectivity network besides creating an ICDS block at Sagam or Kokernag.
The Chief Minister directed release of Rs. 10 lakh for developing Hill Park for attracting more tourists.
Another deputation from Chek Ishardass sought strengthening of drinking water facilities in the area and setting up of a Girls Middle School in the area.
Mehbooba Mufti directed release of Rs. 40 lakh for strengthening the drinking water supply in the area by constructing some wells.
A deputation from Brinty, Batpora, Anantnag sought stabilisation of drinking water supply network in the area besides removing encroachments on Achabal irrigation canal, making the local veterinary unit functional and upgradation of a local High School.
Mehbooba Mufti directed release of Rs. 15 lakh for improving the drinking water network in the area.
A deputation of Ando, Pushroo and Nowgam areas of Shangus area sought revision of rent on the land of ammunition dump at Khundroo, upgradation of Kachoo to Nowgam road besides strengthening drinking water supply network in these villages. Mehbooba Mufti directed release of Rs. 15 lakh for strengthening the distribution network of water supply schemes in these villages.
A deputation of people from Dethoo, Kothar in Shangus area demanded upgradation of local High School to a Higher Secondary School besides improving water supply distribution and health facilities in their area.
The Chief Minister directed release of Rs. 20 lakh for improving PHE distribution network in the area.
A deputation from Bijbehara sought early completion of the local hospital, an ITI for training local youth, filtration plant for the town besides pacing up of beautification works on Jhelum banks in the town. They also demanded de silting of Marche Khul and construction of concrete lining on the Shah joe canal.
The Chief Minister directed Deputy Commissioner to undertake a drive to clear all encroachments on the banks of rivers, waterbodies and canals. She also announced released of Rs. 10 lakh for completing the works at the local hospital.
Various deputations from Pahalgam sought establishment of a college in the area, development of local health centres and augmentation of drinking water facilities.
The Chief Minister directed release of Rs. 30 lakh for stabilising 11 ailing water supply schemes in the town to facilitate availability of quality drinking water to people. She also directed the Deputy Commissioner, Anantnag to hold frequent meetings of building permission committee to facilitate people of the area.
A deputation from Homeshalibug demanded cleaning and de silting of Nandi canal. They also demanded conceiving a lift irrigation scheme at Jablipora besides establishment of a dispensary at Arwani and posting of staff at PHC, Urnhall.
Mehbooba Mufti directed release of Rs. 15 lakh for the cleaning of Nandi canal.
Several deputations from Qazigund sought creation of staff at the Trauma Hospital, desilting and beautification of Panzath spring, establishment of a girls college in the town and a sports field. Another deputation from Mir Bazaar sought strengthening of local PHC, widening of Mir Bazaar-Ashajipora road and upgradation of Sadura and Phunah High schools. They also demanded immediate handing over of building of PHC, Vessu to the Health Department for its operationalization.
A deputation of Auqaf Committee, Sofipora, Wularhama sought completion of on-going works at the local Imambara for which the Chief Minister directed release of Rs. 10 lakh
Principal Secretary to Chief Minister, Rohit Kansal; Divisional Commissioner, Kashmir, Baseer Ahmad Khan; senior officers from the Chief Minister’s Secretariat and Planning Department; heads of several departments; Chiefs of many engineering wings; Deputy Commissioner, Muhammad Younis; DIG, SKR, Syamprakash Pani; SSP, Muhammad Altaf Khan and officers of District administration were present on the occasion.