Mehbooba, Farooq, Omar, separatists condemn Lahore attack

Excelsior Correspondent
Srinagar, Mar 28: People’s Democratic Party (PDP) President and Member Parliament, Mehbooba Mufti has strongly condemned the horrific suicide attack in a children’s park in Lahore which killed scores of innocent people. “This despicable act is utterly contemptible and highly condemnable,” she said.
She expressed solidarity with the bereaved families. She also prayed for early recovery of those injured in the gruesome attack.”My heart goes out to the victims and their families and friends,” she said and added such senseless acts of violence underline the need for uniting against the enemies of peace and humanity.
She said the perpetrators of this attack cannot be termed as humans and they can never be part of civilized world.
National Conference (NC) president Farooq Abdullah and working president Omar Abdullah also condemned the Lahore terror attack, terming it as “dastardly and heart rending”.
“This is another senseless act of barbarism that underlines the need to unite against the common enemies of peace and humanity,” Abdullah said in a statement here.
“My heart goes out to the affected people and I pray the situation improves and incidents like these are never repeated,” he said.
Expressing profound grief and sorrow over the loss of lives, the former Union minister prayed for peace to the departed souls and expressed solidarity with their families.
Former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah said the loss of innocent lives in Lahore is a reminder of the challenges faced by innocent people across the world in fighting against barbarism and violence.
“I pray for those who have been affected and express my heartfelt solidarity with them,” Omar said.
Meanwhile, Kashmiri separatists strongly condemned an attack in Lahore city of Pakistan in which nearly 70 people were killed and termed it against humanity and Islam.
Moderate Hurriyat chairman, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq while denouncing the attack said terrorism in any form and at any place was condemnable. He expressed solidarity with the people and Government of Pakistan.
Stressing that there was no place for such inhuman practice of terror in Islam, he said the terrorism was fast becoming the biggest challenge for the humanity and suggested that the international community needs to take united stand against terrorism and make combined efforts to curb this menace.
Hardline Hurriyat faction chairman and senior separatist leader, Syed Ali Shah Geelani termed the attack against basic tenets of Islam and humanity and urged Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharief to track down the culprits and hang them to death. Geelani telephoned Pakistan High Commissioner Abdul Basit and expressed grief over the loss of innocent lives.
Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) chairman Muhammad Yasin Malik said the attack in Lahore has tarnished every human heart and mind. “The perpetrators of this attack cannot be termed as human and part of civilized world,” he said and termed the attack as an attack on whole humanity.
Meanwhile, Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF)  took out a protest demonstration in Maisuma locality to condemn the Lahore attack. The demonstration was led by the JKLF vice chairman advocate Bashir Ahmad Bhat and was attended by dozens of people.
Hardline Hurriyat leader and chairman of Democratic Freedom Party (DFP), Shabir Ahmad Shah termed the Lahore attack as ‘extreme of brutality and barbarism’.
Terming the attack as a crime and challenge to humanity, Shah said such the perpetrators can in no way be called as humans and such acts are unacceptable. He said Pakistan Government must rise to evict the terrorism that has plagued the country and teach a befitting lesson to the enemies.