Mehbooba for effective cooperation between Govt, civil society to curb drug menace

page1-2SRINAGAR: Calling for a multi-pronged strategy to deal with the menace of drug abuse, Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti today said the hazard of drug addiction can be tackled only through effective collaboration between the Government and the non-Government organisations including civil society and religious leaders.

Interacting with a delegation of Civil Society Forum Kashmir (CSFK), the Chief Minister said drug trafficking and drug abuse have become a menacing problem in the society and it needs to be curbed comprehensively and with determination to safeguard the lives of young generation.

She said the Government effort alone can’t achieve much on this count and an inclusive strategy needs to be adopted involving parents, religious heads, civil society, school administration, health educators and NGOs to take on this menace effectively.

“Drug trafficking and drug addiction has become a major problem for many families, communities and for the law enforcement agencies and if it continues like this, the menace is going to take significant toll on valuation of human lives and loss of productive years of youth,” she said and added that the youth need to be educated about the deadly side effects of drug abuse including cancer, AIDS, cardiac, pulmonary and renal disorders besides leading the victim into the realm of psychiatric and social troubles.

“It was better that the youth understood the menacing ill-effects of drug abuse and refrain from any indulgence that might jeopardize their bright career, future and life,” she said. To keep the youth, especially the educated unemployed, away from drugs, the Chief Minister called for skill enhancement of the young boys and girls to make productive use of their potentialities so that they can have alternative source of income. (AGENCIES)