Mehbooba pays rich tributes to Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah

Great Indian democracy provides freedom: Mehbooba
Great Indian democracy provides freedom: Mehbooba

Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti today paid rich tributes to founder of opposition National Conference and former chief minister Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah on the eve of his 111th birth anniversary.

In her message, Mehbooba said the National Conference founder was a visionary in his approach who would always be remembered for taking many revolutionary steps, including introduction of Single Line Administration in the state.

Mehbooba prayed for eternal peace for the late leader.

Son of Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah and National Conference (NC) president, Farooq Abdullah, while paying tributes to the “Sher-e-Kashmir” said his struggles and sacrifices for the dignity of this state and its people need to be emulated to take it out of the throes of divisive politics and sinister plans of political disempowerment.

“Sher-e-Kashmir’s life was a valiant story of selfless leadership. He fought for the political rights and dignity of his people till his last breath. He chose prison over power for his people and it is this sense of sacrifice and courage that needs to be instilled in our youth for the future of our State,” the NC president said.

“Sher-e-Kashmir’s call for inclusiveness and secularism needs to be heard in every town and village in the State today at a time when political forces are trying their best to divide the people of the State on the basis of region and religion,” he said.

In his message, NC working president Omar Abdullah said, “Sher-e-Kashmir Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah’s legacy denotes the State’s high traits of pluralistic ethos and inclusiveness.”

“He nurtured and strengthened this characteristic and cemented the bonds of love between various sections of the society and different regions of the State,” Omar said.

He added that Sher-e-Kashmir’s ultimate goal was the political and economic empowerment of the common man and the equitable development of the state.

“His vision of Naya Kashmir encompassed holistic and comprehensive development of all sections and all regions of the State without any favour or discrimination,” Omar said. (Agencies)