Mehbooba questions EC’s decision to conduct by-polls despite trouble

*CM blames Omar Govt for present stone-pelting

Sanjeev Pargal

JAMMU, Apr 14: Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti today virtually questioned decision of the Election Commission of India (ECI) to hold by-elections in Srinagar and Anantnag Lok Sabha seats saying the Government was clearly of the view that situation was not conducive for undertaking such an exercise and the people were also not mentally prepared for polling after last year’s unrest.
In a chat with media persons and addressing a function organized by Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Department at Jammu University this morning, Mehbooba said the Government was clearly of the view that situation wasn’t fit for holding the by-elections and “we shouldn’t give a chance to some forces to disturb peace in the Kashmir valley including the tourist season’’.
However, she regretted, the Election Commission of India had their own wisdom and they decided to go for the by-election.
“I was afraid from the very beginning that there will be less participation and more violence (in the by-election to two Lok Sabha seats). And it turned out to be true. There was very low turnout in the polling and violence took place,’’ Mehbooba said, adding that situation in the Valley has been disturbed once again and it will take time to bring it back to normalcy.
It may be mentioned here that the State Government had proposed to the Election Commission of India to defer by-election to Lok Sabha seats of Srinagar and Anantnag and allow the Government to hold Panchayat elections first. However, the Commission overruled the State Government proposal and announced by-poll to two Lok Sabha seats. There had been reports that even the Union Home Ministry had opposed holding of by-election to Parliamentary constituencies at this stage. Six civilians were killed on the day of polling for Srinagar seat on April 9 after which the Election Commission had to postpone Anantnag seat by-poll, scheduled for April 12, to May 25. Only 7.13 per cent turnout was recorded on Srinagar seat.
However, Mehbooba said New Delhi and Jammu and Kashmir Government were very serious on finding a solution to Kashmir problem and bring the State out of present morass.
“We all love Jammu and Kashmir. It is crown of India. The Centre is also concerned about situation in the State. Everyone is concerned. Hopefully, we will bring the State out of present morass and make it a developed State,’’ she added.
Mehbooba said the “failure” of the previous National Conference-Congress Government headed by Omar Abdullah from 2008-2014 to deal with the issue of stone-pelting had led to the unrest last year and the situation in the Valley at present.
Her remarks came as a response to National Conference chief Dr Farooq Abdullah, who had yesterday said Mehbooba Government was “financing stone-pelting”.
“The Government didn’t take any measures with regard to the youth, who took to the streets to hurl stones (in 2010). What steps were taken at that time to check stone-pelting’’?, she asked.
“It is because of the failure to take steps to treat the ailment that simmering discontent turned into lava (volcano). No treatment was done to the problem and the volcano exploded suddenly last year and till now, we have not been able to stop this,” Mehbooba said.
On Dr Farooq Abdullah’s charge, she said: “the National Conference had in 2010 said the PDP, which was in the Opposition at that time, was giving money to stone-pelters. Now, Farooq Abdullah is saying the PDP Government is paying boys and youths for throwing stones.
“Some time ago, Farooq himself said they all (stone-pelters) are nationalists and now he is saying all those nationalists are being paid by the PDP Government to resort to stone-pelting. I think Farooq sahab is confused.”
She said her father Mufti Mohammad Sayeed worked to find a solution to the 70-year-old Kashmir issue but no headway was made in this direction after his tenure ended in 2005.
The Chief Minister said her Government was committed to healing “the wounds of Kashmir and restoring normalcy in the Valley. We will work to bring the State out of the unfortunate situation”.
She acknowledged she was facing “big challenges” and said she was born to face such a situation.
Mehbooba thanked the people of Jammu, saying they are “maintaining a high degree of peace and normalcy in the region. I am grateful to them. With the support of the people, I am facing these challenges.”
Asserting that development in the entire State becomes casualty whenever there is violence in the Kashmir valley, Mehbooba seat due to last year’s summer unrest in the Kashmir valley, development of even Jammu and Ladakh regions was hit.
However, she said, her Government would ensure that development of Jammu and Ladakh region don’t suffer even if there is trouble in the Valley. She lauded the people of Jammu region for their cooperation with Government during the period of unrest in the Kashmir valley.
Mehbooba said the Prime Minister’s Development Package (PMDP) will go long way in development of Jammu and Kashmir.