Mehbooba urges peace for resolving problems of J&K

Fayaz Bukhari

Srinagar, Mar 25  Chief Minister, Mehbooba Mufti today urged people to give peace a chance and allow the Government to function efficiently so that it can find solution to every problem the State faces.
Adressing a series of meetings in Khan Sahib and Beerwa Assembly segements of Srinagar Parliamentary constituency today, she said that the only impediment towards ensuring growth and empowerment is the lack of peace in Kashmir. “The Government needs time to execute its agenda of development and empowerment for which peace and normalcy is a must,” she said.
She sought people’s cooperation for restoration of peace and normalcy for the development of the State. “I seek your active participation in our endeavors to address the issues related to governance, development and peace. Our party will strive towards restoring peace and normalcy on the ground.”
Referring to the contribution of the party towards changing the political discourse in the entire subcontinent, the Chief Minister said that it is the sum total of individual efforts by PDP workers in creating a viable political alternative that advocated peace and dialogue.
Mehbooba said the people have expectations with her Government and that is whey they are asking for the report card. She said that she will work for the people and won’t let them down. “It is heartening to see people asking for our report card as they believe that PDP is their own party and it will fulfill their expectations. This feeling makes us work harder on the ground”, she said.
The Chief Minister during the meetings assured the people that government will fulfil its political, economic and developmental agenda. “We are not shying away from answers and we assure everyone that we stand by our political, economic and developmental agenda,” she said.
Mehbooba said the PDP forged an alliance with BJP for the benefit of people of all the regions of the State unlike NC-Congress coalition which is characterized by just “lust for power”.
“When we shared the Government with Congress in the past we got a better deal for our people, and even now when we work with the BJP our motive is welfare of people,” she said.
The Chief Minister said that during its alliance with Congress  in the past and BJP now, the PDP took care of the political, economic and developmental challenges of the State. “While PDP-Congress alliance was based on a Common Minimum Programme (CMP), the party’s present alliance with BJP is based on an Agenda of Alliance and in both the cases, PDP took care of the political, economic and developmental challenges confronting the State”, she said.
Mehbooba said that PDP got economic and development packages when it led Congress and BJP alliance respectively.  ”When we were in alliance with Congress between 2002 and 2008, we got an economic package from the then Prime Minister and today when we are in alliance with BJP, we have again got a huge developmental package for the State,” she added.
She said that the PDP’s sole objective is to end the miseries of the people of Jammu and Kashmir and facilitate the State to progress on developmental and economic fronts.
Mehbooba said the PDP has a clear socio-economic and political agenda that has been received well by the people of Jammu and Kashmir and endorsed by the sub-continental leadership.