Menace of self-styled intellectuals

Surender Kaul
It is a matter of grave concern that articles with the inept usage of words in support of biased interpretations are qualified by known columnists, opinion makers, and syndicate writers. The irony of the situation is that such self-claimed intellectuals do manage to get space in leading national newspapers prominently. They also acclaim themselves responsible in framing political opinion for the country.
In an article in a national daily a self claimed liberal was competent enough to endorse “Tokda Tokda” as an accomplished gang logically. All the four youth who came to limelight after the JNU incident in an assembly of students led by Omar Khalid and Kanhaiya Kumar at dark hours raised anti national slogans in the campus gave a further flip to the slogans in Kashmir valley of Pakistan sponsored terrorism. There the Kashmiri youth crossed over to Pakistan to get arms handling training to wage an insurgency against Indian occupation forces to secede to Pakistan, is their sole aspiration. Shockingly, these four rouge elements from the mainland of India come from hotbeds of the political state. Which bee was in Kanhiya Kumar bonnet to join the bandwagon of slogan mongers of “Kashmir ki azadi tak jung chalegi, Bharat ki barbadi tak jung chalegi” (War will continue till Kashmir’s freedom, war will continue till India’s demolition”). Incident of Feb 2016 at JNU was apparently a protest against capital punishment given to Afzal Guru in 2001 and Maqbool Bhatt in Feb1984, but it was given anti-India flick. But no one talks about the gruesome killing of Indian diplomat Mattri in London by JKLF of which founder member was Maqbool Butt. . And this commotion went on in JNU premises for days together with the support of All India Student Association, All India Student Federation and Student Federation of India, which was given political stance by the opposition party MPs. Kanhiaya Kumar being the president of the student union in JNU ought to have been in control of the situation and should not have allowed the protesters to demean their own motherland. The whole situation against anti-capital punishment protest turned into anti-national assemblage with the presence of sizeable Kashmir students, fomenting secessionist thought. Thus, the secessionist forces of the valley did prove their accessibility to raise their voice in the prestigious academic citadel in the capital of India. Democracy and note of dissent in its system is agreeable but to disrespect one’s own country was the most condemnable episode. Both Omar Khalid and Kanhaiya Kumar were the vanguards of the JNU anti-India flock. What prompted TOI columnist to mention that if such persons reach to Parliament, they would be some kind of dominant power to transform the process of governance. Not only that Kanhiya Kumar is also better read person than most urban Indians and is also more charismatic. Reading is no more any special qualification nowadays with the advent of Google, internet and easy approach to free libraries in institutions of the country. Omar Khalid for the columnist is another intellectual giant at this young age, having fluency in Hindi language vocabulary; but is unable to foresee to which horizon of intellectualism, Omar Khalid would reach when he would be of columnist’s age. Shehla Rashid, though imbibed with a whiff of levity, is endowed with fiery personality as per the mapping of her personality by the columnist. Shehla Rashid student of JNU has strong political background inherited from her father Engineer Rashid an independent MLA from Langhat, District Kupwara, who is adept in flaunting anti-India hatred in the valley to keep his constituency glued to him. So Shehla Rashid has opening in politics through heirloom, for which she is gaining experience by such anti-India rants.
In Jignesh Mevani, the columnist heaves a sigh of relief on gauging proper intellectualism in him, when the former visited his office and got into high-quality debate on Dalit issues with Dalits was phenomenal.
Does the columnist here want to superimpose, these individuals who are notorious for their anti-India stance on Indian society by giving them the tag of intellectualism and their eruditeness? Or he wants to strengthen or rope in them for the formation of national-level clout to rerun unfinished task of Gauri Lankesh, who was the patron of individuals like Jignesh, Omar, Kanhiya, and co. It is the foremost responsibility of the readers to ponder why such columnist has puffed up these four youth? If such attitude of columnist continues, then the other youth in India comparatively are not so brilliant enough to hold the political fort of the country as exhibited by lads during JNU ruckus of Feb 2016.
It has been observed by political scientists that there is deep grouse among many liberals and left-oriented writers against majority community. Unfortunately, Indian society divided into castes and further sub-castes is the rallying point for exploitation by ruling elites since ages. Every caste is fighting for its benefits and political dividends. Party mandate is being distributed on the bases of caste and religion and people vote with that consideration. On the dislocation of Kashmiri Pandits from the valley, no sane element from the streets in India was heard for their rehabilitation.
It is the sorry state of affairs that many of the writers who find themselves short of words to invigorate the voice of the majority community. When, good sense would prevail upon the columnist to write in positive perspective?