Mess in Forest Department

An unnoticed nexus is at work in the Forest Department that manages administrative affairs not according to departmental and service rules and regulations but according to the will and likes of the authorities at the top. The underground nexus has made the department a private fief where juniors are placed in charge of ranges and are given lucrative postings, all in a clandestine manner. Vacancies of higher posts are deliberately left unfilled enabling the juniors to grab these under adhocism. This is administrative nepotism.
It will be noted that officials of lower categories are working against higher posts meaning Foresters are working against not only the posts of Forest Rangers but no fewer than 20 of them are working against the posts of DFOs. Out of 170 Forest Ranges only 36 are manned by Range Officers and the remaining are placed in the charge of Foresters. Thus not more than 20 per cent of the Ranges are run by the Range Officers while 80 per cent are in the hands of Foresters. Actually the position is that there is no shortage of manpower to run the administration of forest department. But there is a strong nexus somewhere within the department that is working behind the curtain on the behest of political leaders or persons with clout in the higher circles of power. Why are not the vacant posts of Rangers filled regularly under normal procedure? Why is recruitment deferred? If the Foresters who are officiating as Range Officers are competent and qualify the tests, they will be promoted to next higher step which is of Forest Rangers. But if they are not qualified according to rules, they won’t be selected. But as they don’t want to face the selection process, they manage through their individual resources to be appointed in-charge of the Ranges. Thus they enjoy the privileges associated with the post viz. enhanced salary and allowances plus other benefits. If posted at crucial places, they have the additional benefit of misusing their position and obtain pecuniary benefits.
This happens only when there is a widespread nexus in the entire department. If the seniors and upper layers of officers are honest and dedicated, none of these irregularities can take place. But as we said the nexus is fairly widespread and even those who have the last word on administration of the Department could also be part of the nexus. The Department is woe-begotten and only overhauling the entire structure is the solution. Forest Department seems to have been turned into a fief of a handful of insiders where rules and regulations are spurned and trampled under foot. Why is undue favour shown to some of the officials when they are put in charge of vacant higher posts and the vacancies are not filled? It exposes malfunctioning of the department and consequent indiscipline seeping into its ranks. This all speaks that political interference is at work and some with clout in the administration can manage to place themselves in lucrative positions.
The rust has set in the department, meritorious and deserving staff is ignored and there is no accountability anywhere why this mess is allowed to continue. We would earnestly suggest the Government to constitute a committee to assess the irregularities in the Forest Department and recommend corrective measures. Maybe there is the necessity of modifying and amending rules and regulations especially those that are old and outdated. Above all accountability is the litmus test of delivery. Forest Department has a vast human resource at its disposal. What is expected of them is that they should give a new lease of life to our dying forest wealth. As against this expectation, our forests are turning into barren lands as these are getting depleted at a fast rate. Forests are the backbone of ecological balance and contribute to the stabilization of climatic conditions.