Message from Chamlyal shrine

We in the East have the great common tradition of showing immense respect to men of spirituality who have overcome human weaknesses and risen above petty-mindedness. They have set a model of humanism which we emulate and want to set as our guiding force. One such instance is that of Baba Chamlyal, originally Dalip Singh Manhas, whose shrine is situated at Ramgarh in Samba very close to the LoC. In pre-partition days, this shrine was venerated and visited by people of both communities Hindus and Muslims. Despite the hurdles created by the partition of 1947, ardent devotees of Baba Chamlyal on both sides of the dividing line would come to pay obeisance on the shrine on a specific day. In doing so, the devotees on both the sides forgot the acrimony that has bedeviled their relations over the decades. This year, annual visitation to the shrine has been of particular significance because on Pakistani side, among the visitors were seven sitting judges of Sialkot and a battery of media persons. Senior officials of Pakistan Chenab Rangers and civil administration were matched by their counterparts from Indian Border Security Force and high ups of civilian administration. It was a sort of bonhomie and the traditional sherbet and shaker from Indian side and a decorated chadder from Pakistani side were exchanged. The fanfare demonstrated cordiality and fraternity among the visiting people from both sides of the border. According to reports, the people mixed with ease and talked in familiar tones. Perhaps it was the result of the blessings of the saint that his shrine became the meeting place of heats.
We ought to give a thought to this event and draw some lessons from it. It is and should be possible for people on either side of the border to develop good and brotherly relations among themselves. For achieving this goal, Pakistan would need to stop abetting violence in the border State and make sincere efforts for maintaining tranquility along the border. Strife and animosity are not the ways of civilized people. Cordiality and an element of spirituality bring immense happiness and peace of mind. The people of two neighboring countries have lived together for centuries. They have braved many storms of history and have gone through many vicissitudes. Contemporary times are the times of science, trade, development, communication, inter-action and collaboration. European countries have made tremendous progress through cooperation and collaboration. We on the sub-continent did have that tradition but under the cloud of misguided politics we have given up those traditions. The time has come that we revive all good traditions that are common among people. Let the visitation to the shrine of Baba Chamlyal and others become a beacon light for us to direct the course of friendly and fraternal relationship among the people of India and Pakistan.