MHA alerts ministries, depts against lurking “inimical” agents

NEW DELHI: All the ministries and departments have been asked by the Union Home Ministry to remain alert against a clever ploy being used by “inimical” elements to gather sensitive information from their establishments by using decoy identities.

The VIP security unit of the Home Ministry, in a recent communication, has asked these departments and agencies working for sensitive security tasks to deploy their counter-intelligence mechanisms keeping in view the “high” threat of terrorist outfits to the security of their vital installations and operations.

The communication has cited an incident that occurred in October this year when a person posing as a senior diplomat of an Indian Embassy in the Western part of the globe tried to elicit some information from the chief of a unit of “sensitive installations” over phone.

While the senior official who was called up, sources said, did not share any information with the caller, a check back by the officer revealed that there was no officer by the name mentioned, in that Embassy. (AGENCIES)