BHIWADI: Micromax on Friday said it will significantly bolster its product portfolio this year, bringing in 5G devices as well at “aggressive price points”, as the homegrown handset maker looks to re-capture its leadership position in the hyper-competitive Indian smartphone market.
Micromax, which has created a Rs 500 crore war chest to invest across is operations, is also scaling up its smartphone manufacturing capacity in the country to meet the strong demand it is witnessing for its products.
“We only have two products right now but I must say its been a ‘dreamy comeback’. By March-end, we should have one more product in the market and from April onwards, the plan is to bring in 4-5 products every quarter and refresh the portfolio every 6-8 months,” Micromax co-founder Rahul Sharma said.
He added that the company is already working on a 5G device, and it would hit the market in the second half of the year.
“People already have a lot of interest in 5G, they want 5G-ready smartphones…We are in advanced stages of working on our 5G product that will be priced most aggressively,” Sharma said.
He added that the company is also looking at now ramping up its offline presence, and will be present in over 15 states and 18,000 retail counters by next week.
Micromax’s devices (smartphones and feature phones) are made by Bhagwati Pvt Ltd at three facilities in Bhiwadi (Rajasthan), Rudrapur (Uttarakhand) and Hyderabad (Telangana). (AGENCIES)