Mid-day meal scheme

Will the Bihar Government to safeguard the lives of poor children bring “Mid-Day Meal Security Bill” so that poor children attending schools in the hope of getting meals, whatever be the quality, are saved at the hands of careless authorities and insensitive Government . In fact,  no scheme however noble it may be in its objective succeeds in a corrupt system where human values are lost and greed overpowers in a race to possess more even at the cost of human lives. There is no short cut to revive the values for these who are to set an example for the society but are themselves neck – deep in corruption and poor people not having even two square meals a day are forced to elect such corrupt representatives.
Religious leaders who have a lot of followers and resources instead of merely preaching should understand and practise the teachings as practised by the founders of these religions and experience the real benefits as experienced by their founders so as to inspire and guide their followers in practising human values such as honesty , truth , love , purity and service – which is the essence of all religions . People who throng all religious places for peace , happiness and fulfilment of their desires should bear in mind that true religion lies in practising these human values and controlling our mind rather than falling into the trap of desires and greed and resorting to unfair and corrupt practices at the cost of innocent lives and sufferings of the poor and needy. May wiser sense prevail and politicians mend their attitude and behaviour and  learn to discharge their responsibilities honestly and with true understanding.
Yours etc…..
Arun Jandial
Ajit Colony
Extn. Talab Tillo