Mid-day meals a joke

In 1995, Government of India launched National Programme of Nutritional Support to Primary Education, popularly known as the Mid-day Meal Scheme.  Its purpose was to provide nutritional support to school-going children who come from poor and deprived families so that they are not physically at a disadvantage. One more objective was to attract village students to schools and thus support Government’s literacy programme. The scheme was extended to J&K also. But total mismanagement and irresponsible attitude of the previous Government to the scheme has resulted in the scheme almost going to be closed and lakhs of students deprived of the facility that the Central Government intended to extend. The reason is that the previous regime failed to submit utilization certificate and make its contribution of ten percent to the scheme. The Union Government stopped release of the current instalment of funds and thus the scheme is starved and on the brink of closure. Liabilities of more than 40 crore rupees on account of Mid-day meals are pending for last six months. Jammu province’s liabilities compute to nearly 22 crore rupees. Many schools have closed down the scheme. Education Minister says he has released the funds but the entire system is so complex that it has to pass through so many corridors before it comes to its destination.
It is a sordid story. Even smallest thing gets stuck up in official and administrative groves. There is need for innovation at different level in the administrative structure to simplify procedures.