Migrants allege lack of arrangements on Shivratri

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMAMU, Feb 17: All India Migrant Camp Coordination Committee (AIMCCC) has expressed concern over failure of Government in releasing sugar on the eve of Maha Shivratri falling on February 20 to Kashmir migrants. In a statement AIMCCC president, Desh Rattan alleged that the Government has not released sugar quota for migrants for last five months now and despite promises the same was not even released on eve of the holy festival causing lot of concern among the community.
He also alleged that no other arrangements for celebrating the festival were made in camps and non camp areas where the KPs are putting up.
Meanwhile BJP leader and ex Sarpanch Kokernag Nana Raina has expressed concern that the migrant Anganwari workers have not been paid the emoluments even on the eve of Maha Shivratri. He said these employees are without emoluments for last one year now and urged the Government or release the same immediately.
Social activist Sunil Pandita said that the rates of essential items including walnuts , cheese, flowers and vegetables has been increased many fold and Government has failed to make such items available on controlled rates as was prevalent previously.