Migrated children and school rolls

Migrant workers may have returned to their homes but COVID pandemic has not heaped less problems on the suffering people, migrant workers being among the worst hit. Their children studying in various schools at the places of their work from where they went back home and could return with the position easing to their places of work, should not be confronted with the problems at the schools of their children. To obviate this problem, the HRD Ministry has asked the states and the Union Territories to ensure that names of the children of workers who returned home during the pandemic are not struck off their school rolls.
In this regard, what is necessary is preparing a database of such children and treating them as ”migrant” or ”temporarily unavailable”. Each and every school has to put in their efforts in preparing of such a data and different particulars noted with them like phone number address etc in respect of the parents of such children would help them in collecting this information. It is worth noting that the Government wants to mitigate the sufferings of the worst hit sections of the society on account of the corona-virus pandemic and migrant workers are among them at the top. No unnecessary certificates, papers or avoidable proofs should be insisted upon to be produced by the parents at the time of readmission of their children to the schools. The initiative of the HRD Ministry is timely and a step in right direction.