Migration of e-office instance to NIC/NICST Cloud to be completed by Sept 30

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 20: Ongoing process for migration of e-office instance of Jammu and Kashmir to NIC/NICS Cloud shall be completed by end of this month with final testing on September 29.
The e-office application in the UT of Jammu & Kashmir is presently being managed by JaKeGA (front-end support, rollout support), DCO CDAC (Hosting support), and NIC (application team).
JaKeGA and JKSDC have dependency on NIC Application team for resolution of application-related issues. The NIC Project Management Unit (PMU) is responsible for pan-India instances resulting in frequent delays in resolving application-level issues. As an epilogue to ensuring Business Continuity of e-office, a plan for migration of e-office instance of Jammu & Kashmir to NIC/NICSI managed RailTel Data Centre is being undertaken to ensure a seamless e-office experience as also to do away with unscheduled downtimes/ disruptions, which have been impacting e-office functioning in the recent past.
According to a circular in this regard, the migration plan shall be completed with zero data loss, complete data integration and 100 percent replica of the existing e-files for seamless migration of JK e-Office to the NIC/NICSI cloud. The process of migration of e-office instance of Jammu and Kashmir to NIC/NICSI managed RailTel Cloud includes, inter alia, provisioning of deployment infrastructure and professional (managed) services for upto 25000 e- office users of the Government of Jammu and Kashmir.
Files of respective departments are being transferred to temporary designations with the nomenclatures – Secretariat receiver, DC office receiver, HoD Receiver in e-office by ICT Resource Persons from JaKeGA nominated for the said activity. The temporary designations are mapped to respective section officers of the department. Consequently, the e-office files which are not at their original locations may be temporarily unavailable till the process of migration is completed by 30th September 2024.
Subsequent to conclusion of migration process, all administrative departments / HoDs/ DC offices shall be requested to test/vet the data. Once the departments give their go-ahead, then the down time on 29th of September 2024, for making the final changes and handing over the e-Office instances to J&K Government, shall be sought by the e-Office PMU. Towards this end, all departments shall appoint nodal officers for testing / vetting of the data and provide certificates to the effect that all files pertaining to their departments are present in e-office accounts of respective departments. Thereafter, for final testing of the e-office application, it is expected that downtime for a day, on Sunday 29th September 2024 may be observed for making final changes and testing, prior to making the e-office application live.