Militancy and social networking concerns

T.K. Singh
Soon after Indian Home Minister Rajnath Singh on 30 March 2017 accused Pakistan for using social media to incite youth in Kashmir, the Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD) in response organised a workshop on digital warfare on 1 April 2017 allegedly to instigate younger generations and fuel unrest in Kashmir. The domain of cyber space or social networking sites has been exploited as a major platform for transmitting unwanted information by spoilers to augment militancy in the region. Interestingly, the regular restoration of mobile phone services in February 2017 after a prolong suspension since July 2016 induced locals to conglomerate and swam over the encounter sites to support militants. Considering it as a disturbing trend, a new mechanism on cyber security is essential to address this alarming concern.
The union home minister accused Pakistan when Trinamool Congress (TMC) leader Saugata Roy, during a parliamentary session in Lok Sabha, asked clarification about the death of three civilian in firing by security forces in Budgam on 28 March 2017. He further stated that the situation in the valley is critical as Pakistanis are exploiting social media as a tool (multiplying force) to incite the innocent youths of Kashmir to storm encounter sites to cover up militants. Rajnath expressed that a “new trend” has been observed lately in which residents from local areas gathered at the skirmishes site (between security forces and militants) and pelted stones to support the militants flee by distracting the activities of forces. In fact, these hordes of local youths were stimulated by transferring information through social network applications including WhatsApp and Facebook originated/orchestrated from Pakistan.
In common practice, congregation of residents in encounter locations and pelting stones on soldiers (disturbing operational duties) to facilitate the militant escaping has been observed recently in several instances. On 12 February locals had suddenly turned up in the street to pelt stones at the security forces while gun fight was going on with Hizbul Mujahideen (HM) and Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) at Nagbal in Frisal area of Kulgam district. Similarly on 14 February a mob pelted stones on security forces during an encounter with LeT members in Handwara area of Kupwara. Earlier on the same day, in an encounter site at Parray Mohalla Hajan in Bandipora district, locals had come out and started pelting stones at soldiers helping to escape a militant. On 28 March security forces were attacked by native stone pelters at Nagam village when the former were approaching towards an encounter site at Chadoora area in Budgam district. The information sharing applications in mobile phones help a major role in creating such disturbing activities in the localities.
The unexpected gathering of residents in such large scale can be possible only by means of quick communication generated through phone calls, text message or WhatsApp information sharing. Interestingly, this affair has been practicing after the reactivation of mobile network services which was suspended for months after the death of Burhan Wani, Commander of Hzbul Mujahideen (HM) who died in an encounter on 8 July 2017. He was a popular techie (media propagandist) who set the new trend of militancy in Kashmir. As much as he was famous in social media, that much influential was he amongst his followers. He had used social networking system as a powerful weapon than any lethal gun he carried in his life. His funeral was attended by more than two Lakh of people creating a historic memorial service in Kashmir.  A widespread protest (popularly known as 2016 Uprising) erupted in several parts of the valley for more than half a year in which about 90 people were died and thousands were injured. As it was misused to emanate violence by ultras, telephone communication and internet services for both prepaid and post paid connections were deactivated from 9 July 2016 to 30 January 2017. Nevertheless, the unrest lingered for various months though the communication network was disconnected.
Burhan was succeeded in sowing the new seeds of fresh militancy in Kashmir. After his death, 59 youths have joined militant ranks as disclosed by Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti in a State Assembly session in January 2017. The figure is according to the official record maintained by the Crime and Investigation Department (CID) of state police. However the data could have been increased by now and even in actual count by then.  Some of the recruits are already neutralised including one Basit Ahmed Dar alias Sameer, a young engineering student who joined HM after the influence of “2016 Uprising” in an encounter at Bewoora Mirhama, Anantnag District on 14 December 2016. Induction of tech savvy like Basit with engineering background enhanced the social networking prowess of the militant organisation.
Meanwhile, to further augment its campaign in Kashmir, the Cyber Team of JuD has conducted a workshop titled “Social Media Workshop: An instrument for Kashmir uprise 2k17” at different places including Gujranwala and Sarghoda areas in Punjab, Pakistan. Banner of the events printed texts such as “Hybrid Warfare” and “Pakistan using social media to incite youth in Kashmir” (the statement given by Rajnath). Leaked images of the conferences in media indicated that about 20 young techies participated in each meeting in which JuD leaders have given important lectures on digital warfare. To recognise their efforts, participants were issued certificates at the end of the programmes.  Quoting intelligence inputs, reports suggested that the new recruit team of cyber army was termed as “Team Burhan”. In addition, with the support of Inter Services Intelligence (ISI), militant outfits including JuD or LeT have generated 15,000 to 17,000 networking accounts to launch fresh turmoil in Kashmir.
While the attempt of JuD to foment unrest through cyber space needs a critical surveillance, the current trend clearly indicates that the reopening of internet service in February motivates to congregate locals in the encounter sites. As absolute suspension of communication system is not viable only on the basis of irregular residents-storming-activities, authorities can consider partial disengagement of network facilities in those vulnerable locations during the crucial time of operation. In fact, the positive activation of internet service after a long period shall not be misused, and utilised it meaningfully for promoting harmony and growing prosperity by the peace loving natives of Kashmir.
(The author is Assistant Professor at the Department of National Security Studies, Central University of Jammu. )