Militancy to be crushed with full force

Giving clear cut message both to the militants as well as their mentor sponsoring country that enough was enough , Prime Minister Narendra Modi made it clear that militancy would be crushed with full force as adopting new policy and tradition like the surgical strike carried out by India in 2016 against Pakistan had demonstrated India’s ways of tackling terrorism. The backbone of terrorism in the state of Jammu and Kashmir, especially in Kashmir, was needed to be broken as the menace had spread more death and destruction all these three decades spilling enough blood of innocents . Not only had developmental projects been suffering but the backbone of the State economy, the tourism too had suffered a severe jolt. The credit goes to the undaunted efforts of the Central Government that it never allowed general overall development of the state suffer and it may be recalled that under Modi Government, the state got highest package of Rs.88000 crore. The chain of starting new projects in the State continue and in that context primarily, the Prime Minister paid his visit to the state on 3rd instant. Foundation stones were laid for prestigious projects like 750 bedded Hospital of the AIIMS and also that of the IIMC at Jammu. Rs.750 crore were granted for setting up of five new medical colleges in the state about which the PM made a clear mention.
Notable other projects which were inaugurated included 624 MW Kiru Hydroelectric Project in Kishtwar which would generate electricity of 2272 million electricity annually, 9 MW Dah Hydroelectric Project , a run of river project as also dedicating to the nation 220 KV Srinagar – Alusteng- Dras – Kargil – Leh transmission system, also foundation stone for 1640 metre- span double lane bridge over the Chenab river in Sajwal was laid besides those of host of other projects. Foundation stone was also laid by the PM of terminal building of Kushok Bakola Rimpochee Airport in Leh by unveiling the plaque.
It was a busy day for the Prime Minister in the State and laying foundation stones and inaugurating multiple projects at all the three places remained the main thrust of his visit. By laying foundation stone of 54 new model Degree Colleges , 11 professional colleges and one women University and inaugurating 16 model Degree Colleges and 66 Entrepreneurship, innovation and Career Hubs across the country from the SKICC Srinagar was demonstration of special preference towards ensuring fast development under various schemes of the Central Government. The occasion saw Modi addressing a mammoth public rally at Vijaypur in Samba district of Jammu and two functions in Srinagar and Leh. The Prime Minister was all praises for Nazir Ahmed Wani and Aurangzeb two brave hearts of the Indian Army hailing from Kashmir who were martyred by the militants. He also hailed the feat achieved by Tajamul Islam, a teen ager sportsperson from the valley who had won a gold medal at international level.
How could a reference to the recently held elections in an unprecedentedly violence free atmosphere to the Urban Local Bodies and Panchayats not have been made by the Prime Minister on the occasion as he lauded the people of Jammu and Kashmir for braving all threats to turn up in large numbers to exercise their right to franchise during these elections as the people set an example by preferring development and the established democratic means to achieve the same. While the victims of the Pakistani sponsored terrorism and hostilities, the border dwellers would get 14000 bunkers duly built which would ensure their safety . Kashmiri Pandits’ return and rehabilitation too was dealt with by Modi by saying that Kashmiriyat demands that those Kashmiri Pandits who had to flee due to the violence leaving behind their houses, land and memories of their ancestors , should be settled back with full honour. He said, “They will be brought here with full security and honour.” Employment would be provided to those who wish to return.
Since farmers and agrarian stress is now-a-days the Centre of focus more as an election issue than an economic and social issue, and various political parties especially in the opposition come out with various sops and “concessions” for them unmindful of both the means to afford the resultant burden as also the efficacy on long term basis of such measures, Modi was critical of loan waiver of the Congress party calling it as a gimmick ahead of elections to “win votes” as such initiatives had benefitted the middlemen and selected farmers only. He termed the loan waiver as a “fever” just before elections of that Party.
The PM also referred to various issues ranging from the 2019 elections (the Jung as he called it) which would take the country ahead, issue of Kartarpur corridor, the Citizenship Bill, Jan Dhan Scheme of financial inclusion, recently announced PM Kissan Samman Nidhi Programme, stern warning to terrorists, country’s anger at the killings of armless Kashmiri youth, Sab Ka Saath Sab Ka Vikas and host of other issues. During the recent visit of the Prime Minister to Jammu and Kashmir State, he made it clear very optimistically that he would come back to inaugurate the schemes for which he was laying foundation stones on the day. Taking swipe at the opposition for criticising his Government’s farmers’ income plan by saying people sitting in Delhi’s air conditioned rooms did not feel the importance of Rs.6000 for a poor farmer living in a distant and difficult area.
Recalling the days when as a BJP worker he had to work in the region, he used to get demands from the people in Delhi to bring vegetables from Leh because of their quality thus pointing towards the organic farming of the region. He spoke these words while launching the first ever university in Ladakh region which had been a demand of the people the region for a long time. It may be recalled as already carried through these columns a few weeks back that this University will be a cluster University comprising degree colleges of Leh, Krgil, Nubra, Zanaskar, Drass and Khaltsi having administrative offices at Leh and Kargil. The visit had political connotations as well since some sort of indulgence of election preparedness was also manifest in major part of the PM’s speech.